Leg Day at Conspiracy

QIC: Drip

Date: 2/17/21

PAX: Dutch, Cousin Vinny, $5, Lamb Chop, HOG, Red Barron, Bevo, Razzi, Dr. Toot, Drip


Mosey to Hanes Park Entrance

10 copper head squats, 10 Sumo squats, 10 copper head squats, 10 lunges left leg front, 10 copper head squats, 10 lunges left leg back, 10 copper head squats, 10 Sumo squats, 10 lunges right leg forward, 10 lunges right leg back, 10 copper head squats   (70 squats)

Mosey up the Intimidator at each stop sign (even those facing the wrong way) 10 Iron Mikes

Mosey around Y to launch parking lot. 50 WWII twice on the way down.  (100 WWII)

Run up hill in front of the Y.  One Burpee at each turret and add one at each additional turret. (Burpee number depends on how many turrets you passed.)

Mosey back to Launch.

Announcements: Blood Drive this Saturday, see Slack to sign up.  Honey Badger has AO-VQ at IS and Bevo has Alcatraz and pre-Alcatraz this Saturday.

Pray Requests:  HOG’s friends who have suffered loss, COVID and Lamb Chop’s back.


A solid group of men that posted in 20 degree weather this morning. It was good to finally meet Cousin Vinny and Dutch this morning and to have $5 back at it.  His absence is probably the reason for the lower numbers of FNGs.  He tried to make up for it this morning by talking up F3 to two guys leaving the Y.  Everyone seemed to be having a great time until we reached the Burpee section.  If you made it to turret number 19 you did 190 Burpees.  HOG and Red Baron were way ahead of the group, so they will have to do their own math.  HOG actually called for an OMAHA this morning…something he never does.  It was a touch of poetic justice from that hateful IS he Q’d the other Saturday when he ran the Pax way over the mileage limit.  Lamb Chop was a beast posting two days in a row with a recovering back.  Root and Razzie killed the workout and Bevo kept us well entertain with many tales, including one about “laundry”.  Thanks for the keys LC, I left them on the inversion table.