A Dry Place

QIC: Greenspan

Date: 2/13/21

PAX: Drip, Palin, Root Canal, Greenspan

YHC woke up at 0400 and took a peek outside to see ice in the trees.  Definitely not running this morning (although the H.O.G. is a stronger man than YHC).  Back to sleep until 0625; more ice than before upon waking up.  Better get going.  After dressing, YHC had to convince the surprisingly awake (and loud, which wasn’t surprising) BamBam that this wasn’t the day for him to post and that, most likely, no one else would be at the workout.  BamBam grudgingly walked back into his bedroom and promised to be watching for rabbits out the window to hunt later.  Walk out front door descending the front steps carefully in case of ice and proceed to the iced over Pilot.  As in, a half-inch of ice.  Seven minutes of warming up later + an ice scraper, the front window was deiced enough to get going.  Pulled into the Hanes Park lot at 0657, which was cutting it close.  Dr. Toot had verbally HCed yesterday, so not surprised to see him or the resilient Drip waiting in the lot.  Oh, and Palin’s now familiar Volvo station wagon was there too.  Where’s the truck gone, brah?  Turn on the Bluetooth, exit the vehicle, yell “Let’s go!” and we scampered off in the rain seeking shelter.  In transit, Palin sank his leg in a half-foot deep puddle.  Upon arriving at the track shelter, all parties inspected the equipment for ice with Dr. Canal being particularly judicious.  A good glaze was on the benches, so no step or jump ups.  The other three pax assured YHC that they were either vaccinated or immune to the virus, suggesting that they believed YHC might be a bit skittish with the close quarters.  YHC was more concerned about how to convert his carefully planned merkin/burpee/squat/WW2-less weinke (with Bevo’s picture on it) into an acceptable workout for the beasts that had ventured forth this morning.  Note, most of what has been accounted for to this point occurred in YHC’s head.  What follows occured to our Kings.


0530:  Standard fare, including a rigorous Cherry Pies routine.  If the namesake would just give it a try, he might get a good burn going in his shoulders.


YHC made a “meta” statement, hoping to give the rain an opportunity to ease up: “I guess we’ll start at the end” as YHC had planned 12 Layers of Dip for the conclusion.

Dips x 12 + Exercise x 12

  1. Rocking Lunge (Left Leg)
  2. Rocking Lunge (Right Leg)
  3. RDLs (Left Leg)
  4. RDLs (Right Leg)
  5. Lunges (Left Leg)
  6. Lunges (Right Leg)
  7. Mountain Climbers
  8. Something
  9. Something
  10. LBCs
  11. Low Dollys
  12. Mutton Crunches (Both Directions)

Mosey to the other shelter; pause for Palin; mosey up Pull-up hill to inspect the bars.  Good to go.

Partner up for 80 combined pull-ups:

  • Partner A does pull-ups
  • Partner B runs to the tunnel and back

Next up was “four corners” along the breezeway and tunnel.  Exercise and lunge walk to the next stop.

  • Stop 1: Divebombers x 10
  • Stop 2: Divebombers x 10; Shoulder Tap + Jacks x 20
  • Stop 3: Divebombers x 10; Shoulder Tap + Jacks x 20; Monkey Humpers x 30
  • Stop 4: Divebombers x 10; Shoulder Tap + Jacks x 20; Monkey Humpers x 30; Mountain Climbers x 40


Then, unwind it.  Thus, a total of 80 divebombers, 120 Shoulder Tap + Jacks, 120 Mountain Climbers, and 80 Monkey Humpers.


Mosey back to the original shelter for 6 more layers of dip until time.


  • YHC has RunNGun on Monday. Launch point will be Redeemer Presbyterian on Miller Street.  See the route on Slack.


  • Prayers for the Singing Cowboy’s family.
  • YHC took us out relaying some of the lessons I’ve been thinking about as I read through the F3 Leadership Manual.


  • The three pax who posted are awesome. Despite the inclement conditions, it provided an opportunity for most excellent 2nd F throughout.
  • Palin offered to not offer any MC today. YHC commented that it wasn’t possible.
    • In response, Palin thought YHC was a bit agitated; Drip and Toot immediately decried the suggestion. In reality, YHC was just trying to figure out how to get through the workout without inflicting hypothermia on the others with a seemingly #ImpossibleSituation.
    • Palin also sank his other leg in a six-inch deep puddle underneath the pull-up bars. He hates to be off-balance.
  • Toot is a pull-up machine. YHC knew that already, but it had been a while since seeing the Doctor in action.  He is also a consummate gentleman and encourager.
    • There was some conversation about the perfection of the single pull-up bar at Redeemer Presbyterian when discussing what could be on tap for RnG on Monday. The bar was described as “perfect“, coupled with an adjective that rhymes with “earth”.  Everyone got a little uncomfortable at that description.
  • Drip knocked out 20 solid pull-ups on the first round. We both fatigued on round two and thus went back for 5 more even after our partners had eclipsed the 80 target.
    • Drip and YHC shared in our admiration of the beauty of the ice in the trees on our way back down from pull-up hill. It was striking that such a site could be seen on such a messy morning.  What a great lesson for this point in time.
  • All commented on the excellence of the music provided. Palin did critique the selections that YHC had commandeered from Zima’s playlist, but everyone enjoyed the closing number from Hamilton. 

Drip, YHC threw the keys at Palin at some point.  They may be in his mouth.  No worries as y’all are both immunicated already.  Dr. Toot can help you with extraction.

So, now you know what you missed.  Have a great weekend, everyone.