Target Practice

QIC: Greenspan

Date: 1/12/2021

PAX: The Deuce (kind of), The H.O.G., Palin, Manscape, Beverly, Greenspan

Three were gathered in the gloom, prepared to go it alone, when Manscape and Beverly rolled in.


Abe Vigodas while we waited for Beverly.  It was the only time all morning that we waited upon the man.

We moseyed to the track, took a one lap jog, then a lap with carioca, high knees, toy soldiers.


Set a time goal for 400 meters.  If you are under your time goal after completing a lap, keep running.  If you exceed your goal, walk to the Intimidator and ascend to Jersey at a pace of your own choosing.  Descend back down at your own pace.  Walk back to the track and begin the cycle again.  Continue until time is called.


  • Beverly is running 43 miles at Kimberley Park on January 16th for his 43rd birthday, and he is looking for people to run portions with him. He is raising money for HOPE.  The plan is for the run to begin at 8 am and finish at 5.  He promises to run “slow”.
  • 2021 challenge is live. Goal is 20,210 merkins, WW2s, squats, + 10,105 burpees (we got 37 burpees today).  There is a spreadsheet and channel on Slack.
  • Enter your emergency contact in the Google Doc on Slack. Contact Van Gogh with questions.


  • Schultz had surgery today. Pray for his recovery.
  • Burns’s mother-in-law had knee replacement surgery in Hickory last week.



  • The Deuce was in the parking lot when we arrived. He went off for a “long, slow, solo run” due to having posted to The Iron Throne (incredible AO, BTW) on Monday.  Palin and The H.O.G., the Q for the day, paused for a moment, confused, and then responded, “We were there too.”
  • Manscape arrived just after The Deuce’s departure and just before Beverly rolled in. Reliable did what he does.
  • This workout was inspired by YHC’s childhood best friend who played baseball at App State. YHC had not seen him for years until this past fall when his company did some work for YHC’s parents at their house.  App State baseball players were required to run a mile on the track in Boone at a targeted time before they were allowed to suit up for the season.  YHC’s buddy needed to cut 10-15 seconds off his mile time.  This was the workout the trainer gave him to increase his speed, except he was required to complete an interval run up something similar to Pilot View if he exceeded his lap time.  He came in under his goal by 2 seconds.
  • Beverly commented that this was not a great taper run for his event on Saturday, but that he liked the concept. Fair enough.  He was blazing fast but also set an ambitious target, so he spent a fair amount of time on the Intimidator.
  • Total mileage of ~3.8 miles was less than YHC expected or targeted. Apparently “walking” slows you down a whole lot.

Thank you, Resistor, for the opportunity to lead.  We missed seeing you but left the keys behind a light pole in the parking lot.