Parliament 1.12.2021

QIC: Burns

Date: 1/12/21

PAX: Ziggy Stardust, Wobegon, Rust Bucket (WD), Drama Queen, Sour Mash, Schneider, Organ Grinder, Little Piggy, Fender, Burns (QIC)

YHC, Wobegon, and DQ got the morning started with a 2 mile EC jog around the farthest reaches of the AO. As we came back to the launch spot, 7 others had gathered to make a nice round number and we began

WoR: Standing hamstring stretch, L over R, R over L, short broga session, 10 merkins OYO, Whirlys x10 IC, SSH x20 IC, Copperhead squats x10 IC, Imperial walkers x20 IC, some Cherry Pie arm destroyers.

Walk (!! do not mosey, Parliamentarians will yell at you !!) to the beginning of the parking spaces. Lunge walk 10 spaces, stopping at each one to do 2 squats. Turn around, bear crawl back 10 spaces stopping at each one to do 2 merkins. At this point YHC remembered I had my phone & speaker in my pocket so we took a 10 count while I turned on the tunes, then repeato.

Walk (Rust Bucket moseyed, he could not help himself) to the dumpsters to retrieve blocks for tabata. YHC thought I had programmed the app for 30 sec on, 10 sec off but it was reset to the default 20/10 and we ended up getting 4 rounds instead of 3 of the following sequence:

  • Curls
  • Goblet squats
  • American hammer
  • Skull crushers
  • Bent over rows
  • Low flutter
  • Overhead press
  • KB/block swing
  • WWII
  • Blockees

After round 4 it was 0608, so we returned the blocks and made our way back to the parking lot for Mary by committee.

  • Penguin crunch – YHC
  • LBC – organ grinder
  • Diabolical protractor – rust bucket
  • 20 burpees – fender
  • Box cutter – ziggy
  • Snow angels – DQ


Very little MC. The WeFoCo crew is as polite as they come, so it seems. Sure, they’ve got their quirks…Fender can’t count parking spaces and has a deranged obsession with burpees. Schneider leaves early on Tuesdays because he can only be around his brother for 30 minutes at a time. Sour Mash makes lots of colorful jokes. Rust bucket likes to laugh at you when you can’t hold a protractor as long as he can. Drama Queen has a predisposition against complaining so he says things like “golly gee” when you call blockees and then crushes them all the same. Little Piggy doesn’t speak. Ziggy smiles too much. City folk like myself, Wobegon, and Organ Grinder just have to ignore these idiosyncrasies in order to make it through a beatdown and maintain our sanity. But other than that they’re lovely people…everyone should make a point to get out to Parliament, VI, Distillery, BBBC, or the new Alcatraz AO with some regularity.

CoT – Beverly is running 43 miles on Saturday for his birthday as a fundraiser for HOPE WS. Join him for some miles, donate to the cause, or both. Splash has organized a F3WS blood drive on Saturday 2/20 – details are on Twitter and on Slack. Alcatraz launches from River Oaks Community Church on Saturday 1/30 with a 0600 and 0700 beatdown every Saturday. Van Gogh as the site Q, contact him to get on the calendar and get that AO off the ground.

Prayers for Organ Grinder’s M who is 34 weeks pregnant with their third child, for Sgt. Shultz in his recovery from the scary events on Sunday, and for our country as we battle the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and hyper-charged partisan feuding.