Frigid BBBC 1.29.2021

QIC: Burns

Date: 1.29.2021

PAX: Greenspan, H.O.G., Huckleberry, Turnover, Singing Cowboy, BAM, Schneider, Fender, Spamalot, Sour Mash, Burns

YHC’s weeklong promotion of the BBBC routes seems to have paid dividends, as 11 PAX posted despite the bitter cold temperatures. Routes of 2.4, 3.8, and 5.3 miles were crafted to scratch the itch of all BBBCers. 5 ran the 5.3, 4 ran the 3.8, and 2 ran/walked the 2.4, and all were better for it.

I very much enjoyed the 2nd F that comes with running alongside brothers in the gloom. As soon as we stopped running, though, it was the briefest of CoTs before we all beelined for the warmth of our cars. Prayers were said for Spam’s family, as they are holding the funeral for his father today.

Alcatraz starts tomorrow, blood drive on 2/20, GreeNest on 2/6. That’s all, folks.