Deconstruction @ The Distillery 1.21.2021

QIC: Burns

Date: 1.21.2021

PAX: Schneider, Van Gogh, Fender, $5 Footlong, Turnover, Burns

Wow. What a terrible terrible morning. Turnover had to take off his sweatshirt (@HUCK). Van Gogh had a lot of mumble chatter. Even Fender looked at me funny. It’s expected that I get some side eyes from the pax when I Q, but the king of CSAUP nonsense questioning my sanity is a new experience. I’m not so sure how to feel about that.

We warmed up – Whirlys, ISTs, Toy Soldiers, and Michael Phelps all x15 IC.

We really got the blood flowing with 5 merkins, 5 WWIIs, 5 squats, and 5 burpees EMOM for 10 minutes.

And then I explained what the rest of the beatdown was going to look like. Hoo boy.

Three stations were set up around the (well-lit!) shelter. Each weinke had a combo exercise that involved use of the coupons YHC requested be brought. Pax were to build up to through reps of that exercise deconstructed like so: 50 reps of the first exercise, 40 reps of the first two exercises, 30 reps of the first three exercises, 20 reps of the first four exercises, then 10 reps of those four exercises again before putting them all together for 10 reps of the combo exercises.

Station 1 (deconstructed blockees): Squats, In-N-Outs (aka Cobra Humpers), Merkins, Overhead press, Blockees (totals: 150 squats, 100 In-N-Outs, 60 merkins, 30 OH press, 10 blockees)

Station 2 (deconstructed Simbas): Dead lift, curls, squats, Overhead press, Simbas (totals: 150 dead lifts, 100 curls, 60 squats, 30 OH press, 10 Simbas) 

Station 3 (deconstructed Lt. Dan Thrusters): Reverse Lunges (sc), Squats, Overhead press, Skull crushers, Lt. Dan Thrusters (totals: 150 reverse lunges, 100 squats, 60 OH press, 30 skull crushers, 10 Lt. Dan. Thrusters). 

The goal was to get through 2/3 stations, which about half of the group accomplished. The secondary goal was to render everyone’s legs useless for the whole weekend; judging by the near inability to climb my front steps post-beatdown, I think that goal was accomplished as well.

I might bring this back to an hour-long beatdown soon (Alcatraz????) post if you dare….

The pax got after it. It was great seeing $5 back in the gloom – what a HIM. Schneider had a lot of internal dialogue directed my way, I’m sure, but gracefully held back and dominated the beatdown. Fender is an animal.  Turnover and Van Gogh were spotted adding reps to their #2021challenge totals post-beatdown. I will forever be amazed by that.


VG has Urban Assault tomorrow and promises to pay me back, for what it’s worth.

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Prayers for Turnover’s in-laws who had a pregnancy related scare yesterday, lift them up and hope for some good news today. Prayers for $5 & his M looking for stronger community in WS and contemplating their next moves, career-wise and all that comes with those conversations. YHC took us out

60 minutes, the keys are hanging from the light switch for you to pick up next week.