The Stuff of Legends

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 16 December 2020

PAX: Shneider, Tweety Bird, Turnover (WB), Woebegon, Root Canal (WD,Q).

PAX: Shneider, Tweety Bird, Woebegon, Turnover, Root Canal, Shneider, Tweety Bird, Turnover Woebegon, Root Canal. Double attendance credit for the crappy, but safe from slick roads. weather.

Let’s say it, this morning was a stinker. Nothing worse than 34 and raining with a steady breeze to drive the cold into your soul. I was hoping no one would show up, but 4 intrepid (stupid) PAX made the show. I promise, as time passes, it will be told and retold how cold, rainy, and windy it was on that fateful day and the determination of these steely men of valor who refused to be broken. The rain strangled the frogs, the winds that tore off roofs, the ice coating everything that it touched…..I remember it well.

Warm-o-rama: SSH, Whirley’s, IST, Abe Vigodas. Reps were high here as a time waster and one last opportunity for the PAX to make a run to their cars. Next we went stretchy stretch for a few minutes. No one left, so, on to ….

The Thang: Tabata-style (60 seconds on, 10 seconds off) exercises. LBCs, penguin crunches cheesesteak-style, pickle pounders, ABC’s, Freddy Merc’s.

Then on to the leg portion, step ups, sumo squats, monkey humpers calf raises.

Next comes the shoulder stuff, not Tabata -style, but in cadence….. 20 dips, 10 erkins, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Mike Tysons, 20 dips, 10 merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Mike Tysons, 20                                dips, 10 derkins, 10 Peter Parkers and 10 Mike Tysons

20 burpees, followed by 10 burpees, followed by 10 burpees. We then bear crawled the perimeter of the shelter stopping at each side of each picnic table for two merkins which toted                            up to 48 merkins.

Back to Tabata-style… rocking chair lunges, Alabama prom dates, seated squats, American Hammers, crunchy frogs, Big O’s. mountain climbers, plank jacks.

We ended with SSHs.

No announcements, skipped nameorama, and went to prayers for brothers unable to be here for the suck because they cannot. Talked about being trustworthy enough for God’s troubles. He has equipped us uniquely to handle it.

MNM: Woebegon ripped through this morning and stared through my soul as I whined incessantly, totally unaffected. Tweety Bird has absolutely upped his game. Time for the VQ soon. Shneider has the fine art of MC down to a science, just enough to let you know he is there, but not to the point of being Palin-esque. Turnover is by far the alfa. Love all these guys. Someone left keys on the picnic table.

1 Comment

  • Turnover
    December 16, 2020 4:52 pm

    That was a killer beatdown on top of the killer weather, Doc! Appreciate you leading.
    Side note: I checked the website for Tweetie Bird’s info, and it doesn’t look like he has registered yet (!!!!) Nobody tell Van Gogh. We need to get that man signed up on the website/Slack so we can get him on the Q calendar. The time has come.

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