Thanks For the Weinke, Drip!

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 7 December 2020

PAX: Lace, Greenspan, Drip, Green Acres, Root Canal (WD), Spamalot, Total Recall (WB)

PAX: Lace, Greenspan, Drip, Green Acres, Root Canal (WD,Q), Spamalot, Total Recall (WB)

Expecting rain, but not finding any, we convened at the Outhouse a fine collection of HIMs that were ready for The Boom. So after a verbatim statement of the mission of F3, we were ready for the …

Warmorama: spinny SShs, merkins, Abe Vigodas, and ISTs.

The Thang: Moseyed to the parking lot of the school for a mosey to the other end of the same parking lot in which we walking lunged to each parking space line and did three squats, on to the next line walking lunges to the next line for three squats to the end of the parking lot. We then turned around to return back to where we started by bear crawling to each line and performing two merkins, bear crawling to the next line for two more merkins, to the top of the parking lot. We counted 36 lines, you do the math.

Next we ambled to the covered picnic tables next to the parking lot for a quick set of 20 dips, 10 erkins, 10 Peter Parkers-up style, 10 Mike Tysons-up style, 20 dips, 10 merkins, 10 Peter Parkrs, 10 Mike Tysons, 20 dips, 10 derkins, 10 Peter Parkers-down style, and 10 Mike Tysons-down style. No breaks trying to reach failure.

We ambled back to the same parking lot for a socially distanced circle thang within the Thang. Random exercises were assigned to each letter of the alphabet and we did the prescribed exercises in accordance with th F3 name of those with us. We ran out of time to get to everyone, but we did spell Lace, Greenspan, Drip, and Spam. That is 21 exercises which accumulated 70 burpees, 20 alternating lunges, 30 squats, 10 dive bombers, 30 wide merkins, 80 WW II situps, 40 mountain climbers, 10 Absolutions (ask Drip, but they are terrible), 20 Mike Tysons, and 40 plank jacks.

Time was not on our side and we returned to the launch at the 45 minute mark.

Announcements: Blood drive in February, see the blood Q, Splash. Greenest Saturday furniture moving through December.

COT: Spam’s Dad, Jim, is in the ICU in Chicago with COVID-19. Prayers to reflect the shipwreck of Paul, when the ship broke into pieces, it is the pieces that they held on to until they made it to the shallow water. For many of us, the things we have counted on have broken into pieces and we can feel overwhelmed and defeated, but hold on to the pieces. We will get to the shore.

MNM: Greenspan put in EC of 2.6 miles running to and from his house to our AO. TR is an absolute form master on squats and merkins of all flavors. Lace and Greenspan bring the high intensity to effort while Drip supplied the entire workout weinke from Friday’s UA. Thanks, brother. Spam sets appropriate boundaries for all disclaimers per usual and is the steadying influence in avery beatdown I am a part ( don’t end sentences with prepositions, such as “of” at the end of this sentence).

By the way, I left the keys dangling from that participle.

1 Comment

  • Mike Brewer
    December 7, 2020 5:25 pm

    Who’s your (war) daddy?!! 🤣. When did you pass me on the Highway to Hell? 😇😅. And funny that Greenspan and I live the exact same distance from the AO. 🤷‍♂️ Did Zoom cocktail hour start already?
    Had to give you a hard time. Great job as Q, terrific and terrible beatdown. T-claps for your leadership

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