Reliving Super 21

QIC: Turnover

Date: 12.7.20

PAX: H.O.G. (WB) , Wobegon (WD) , Turnover (Q)

After a weekend full of house work and exhausting 2.0’s, YHC was fading fast on Sunday night. I knew I had the Q at The Estate, but the creative juices were nowhere to be found. Queue the search for ideas from very old backblasts. (**A GREAT EXAMPLE OF WHY IT IS SO DADGUM IMPORTANT TO WRITE YOUR BACKBLASTS!!!!**)  Bingo. September 2018. @Cobra on the Q. Super 21. YHC was in attendance. Only a couple months into my F3 experience, I wondered to myself that whole morning: How did this guy come up with this and who hurt him so deeply that he was driven to come up with this?? It sucked back then, and YHC was hopeful it would suck enough this time to challenge the F3WS PAX once again.  Lets check it out.


SSH, IST, Toy Soldier x21 IC

Mosey to Rugby Field

Full Disclosure: on Sunday night, when I decided to rehash this workout, I checked the weather and it was supposed to rain all night and all morning. That rugby field was supposed to be saturated, but I was gonna push through with this plan anyway.  Luckily for all involved, the rain held off and the field was, not dry, but dry enough to where it wasn’t completely miserable. Bullet: dodged.

Line up on one side of field, mosey the width of the field (roughly 42 yards) and perform ascending reps of Merkins, mosey back and perform ascending reps of WW2’s.

Super 21 (1-10)

21 Squats OYO

Super 21 (11-13)

Alt Lunges 21 yards out, 21 yards back

Super 21 (14-15)

Backwards mosey 21 yards out, 21 yards back

Super 21 (16)

21 Squat Jumps OYO

Super 21 (17)

21 Prisoner Get-Ups OYO

Super 21 (18)

21 Mtn Climbers (DC) OYO

Super 21 (19)

21 Overhead Clap OYO

Super 21 (20)

21 Moroccan Night Club OYO

Super 21 (21)

Gather our props and mosey back to launch


Freddie Mercs x21 IC

Penguin Crunch (Cheesesteak Style) x21 IC




T-Shirt Order for The Iron Throne closes in a couple days. Get your orders in.

Idiot run in March. 20 Miles. Free Race. Sign up.

Prayer Requests

@Spam’s dad


YHC took us out lifting up our F3 brothers and their families, asking for healing, peace, and strength.


Not much MC to speak of today as the workout did not lend itself to such.

@H.O.G. was trying to EH YHC to do this Idiot Run, but the more he described it, the less appealing it sounded.

Congrats to @Wobegon on starting a new job soon. He shared that there might be an opportunity, through his new employer, for F3 Winston Salem to further impact our community. Stay tuned for that.

Lastly, just a reminder that it doesn’t cost a dime to be kind and compassionate. We’ve all had a tough year. Some tougher than others.  Treat your fellow man the way that you would like to be treated.

Thanks for the keys, @H.O.G., I think I might have dropped them in one of the moving boxes.


1 Comment

  • Burns
    December 8, 2020 1:07 pm

    I was at the 09/18 workout as well and have NO IDEA why you would want to repeat it. I also recall the rugby field being bone dry that morning.

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