hucks horrible mile

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 12/12/20

PAX: Turnover, Palin, Drip, Ziggy, Lambchop, HOG, Honey Badger, Cherry Pie, Root Canal, Mutton

10 pax gathered at Hanes Park after a fair warning about what yhc had planned.  The weather was perfect and most pax had on multiple layers – this would not last long.  Mission statement completed.  another warning provided to which ziggy left the circle and started to walk back to his car.  but he turned back around and rejoined right at 0700.

warm o rama – SSH x20, IW x 15, Abe v x 10, (at this point someone pulled into the hanes parking lot going ~60mph, tires screeching, heading straight for our a circle.  as we jumped out of the way, the car pulled around into a parking place.  out jumped cherry pie and make 11 pax), copperhead squat x 10, slerkins x 10 – all IC

this was broken out into 3 separate workouts – cardio, lower body, and upper body.  mosey to the track for cardio.

Hucks Horrible Mile – 40 burpees, run a lap, 30 burpees, run a lap, 20 burpees, run a lap, 10 burpees, run a lap = 100 burpees and one mile.

mosey to the intimidator and half way up to the stop sign for lower body

5 rocking chair lunges each leg at the stop sign.  run backwards up intimidator to next road.  11 sumo squats.  run back to stop sign for 5 rocking chair lunges.  run backwards up intimidator for 10 sumo squats.  you get the idea.

upper body

ladder – 1 merkin at bottom crawl bear up intimidator to yard sign, 11 merkins, bear crawl back down for 2 merkins, crawl bear up…… you get the idea.


mosey back to start – stopped at the benches next to the tennis courts for some bonus work

one urkin, slide to the left, one merkin, slide to the left……until you reach the end of the bench ~20 urkins.

repeato with dips.

mary – freddy merk, LBC, american hammer.  then the final 3 merkins…..on a 10 count down and 10 count up.

FIN, done, spent

announcements- coffee at Blue steels house today (you already missed it), Root Canal has Q at mayhem next week. YHC has Q at Estate on Monday.  Turnover has Q at IS next week. Cherry pie has Q at WIB – there will not be any arm swirly things, support Greenest – help by donating or moving furniture – see BAM.

Prayers – Nightstick.  5$ (had good news from recent CT scan).  YHC took us out.


cherry pie had concerns about yhc getting soft with his Qs – he took this back

Palin started off strong with MC but did say much after the first 40 burpees.  he also does not know the difference in 5$ and HOG

the hucks horrible mile was great.  no one complained and everyone took off layers of clothes.  Turnover was in a short sleeved shirt – that means it was a successful Q

Honey Badger is the silent killer

Ziggy and mutton crushed it and never quit pushing

HOG posted all week and still was pushing everyone along

Root – what a machine.  thats all you can say.

lambchop announced that he would not have posted if he knew who the Q was – thank you and I am happy you were there.

Drip smiled the entire time and despite requests from the pax to ban yhc from IS, never hesitated.

during the lower body portion, initially the pax wanted to run up the intimidator further.  once we started, multiple attempts were made shorten this distance.  legs were smoked and we had to stop around 5 reps.

upper body portion, the pax started to sing songs – instead of “Mary did you know” it was “Huck did you know” followed by unkind words.  but the tune was nice and yhc took it as a compliment.

the final 3 merkins are yhc’s new favorite.


amazing push by everyone this morning.  thank you for the chance to lead Drip. I left the keys on the intimidator when we were crawl bearing up it.  good luck.
