Checking out the Perimeter of Conspiracy

QIC: Drip

Date: 12/9/20

PAX: Mutton, HOG, Razzie, FNG (Hasselhoff), Greenspan, Boo Boo ( and Picnic Basket), Lamb Chop, Reb Barron, Katahdin, Cherry Pie, Drip

Broga Warm Up

Mosey up SunSet Drive.  At each turret of the wall do 2 Burpees SSH at the top for Six.  (48 Burpees)

Mosey down Glade to the new Pocket Park, 1 Burpee at each turret.

Circle of Fire.  Hold plank while each Pax does 10 Merkins, Hold plank while each Pax does 10 Plank Jacks, Hold Boat while each Pax does 10 WWIIs

Mosey up Northwest Blvd to Wiley Bus Parking Lot. doing 1 Burpee at each Turret (35 Burpees)

Alternating lunges across doing 2 Burpees after each 10 steps (20ish Burpees)

Mosey to Chip Up bars and partner up.  A. Slow Hanging reverse Pull Up.  B. 10 Plank Jacks  Flap jack.  Same but 20 Plank Jacks then 30 Plank Jacks.

A. 10 Hanging Knees Bends or Toe Touches B. Hold low Plank   x3

Mosey to Tennis Shelter for Dips, Erkins, and Derkins in Cadence

Mosey to Launch just in time for some Mutton Crunches lead by Mutton

COT: Continued healing for $5 and Zima

MC: It doesn’t take a lot for Cherry Pie to call the Q soft.  The two Quarantine Brothers complained about the Quaratine 15, but both looked fit and continued to be quick on their feet. HOG and Greenie ran the Mistletoe in a blistering 23:33 and joined us at the Pull Up bars.  We did 103 Burpees! Welcome to Chuck, a friend of YHC from the Y.  He was a Life Guard (hence Hasselhoff) there for a while and now works at a lab. He grew up in WS and went to Adkins High School.