A Very Safe Urban Assault

QIC: Drip

Date: 12/4/20

PAX: Root Canal (WD), Lamb Chop (WB) , Drip (Guy in between WD and WB)

Great to see these two HIMs out on a rainy Friday morning in the big city.  Conversation was great and we got in lots of work.  We quickly moseyed to the Deck and after a proper stretch, we played the Alphabet game. We ran around the block in between sets.

We took turns spelling our F3 names using the following key.  Each pax had his own personal sheet of paper to decrease sharing.

Vowels=10 Burpees.  B. 40 LBC, C. 30 Squats, D. 15 Absolutions F. 40 SSH G. 10 Dive Bombers, H. 10 Groiners J. 30 High Knees K 10 Merkins, L 20 Alt. Lunges, M 20 Mike Tysons, N. 40 WWII, P. 20 Plank Jacks, Q 30 Low Flutters, R. 15 Wide Merkins S. 15 Mt Climbers T. 10 Iron Mikes, V. 20 Mtn Climbers, W. 30 V Ups, X 15 Burpees, Y. 20 Iron Mikes, Z. 20 Plank Jacks

The World’s nicest Security Guard check in pre and post workout and inquired about our well being and health.

Prayer Requests: Lamb Chop’s sister. to find a new job. Those affected by COVID and help as our nation heals.

Cheesesteak, The keys are somewhere in the parking deck.