A Tabata Christmas in the Village

QIC: Drip

Date: 12/17/20

PAX: Turnover, Lois Lane, Post Hole, CPAP (FNG: Nate Birdsong), Drano, Schneider, 60 Minutes, Bevo, Drip

It was a bone chilling cold in the Village this morning but a fine group of HIMs posted for a 45 minutes of fun.  YHC pulled out a used weinke, dusted it off and refurbished it a little.  The Christmas playlist helped keep the Pax’s energy up for the entire workout.

Quick Stretch

Mosey around the parking lot…then back to the shelter for the rest of the time. (per Pax request)

Soundtrack:  Pure Christmas from several musical genres.

First Tabata: 15:50 min. 24 work intervals 6 rest intervals. Each set of 4 decreased by 10 sec.   4 sets of 60 sec with 20 plank rest….last interval 4 sets of 10 sec and 10 sec rest. (Flutter steps with squat, Make tysons, SSH, Burpees, Dive Bombers, Plank Jacks, Mtn Climbers, Bobby Hurleys,  and the like.

Second Tabata: 12:20 mins  25 internals.  20 sec work 10 sec rest.  Heels to Heaven, American Hammer, Low Flutter, WWII, Plank Punches.  (Complete total of five times)

Third Tabata: 10:00 min  10 work intervals and 10 rest intervals.  Work 45 sec/rest 15 sec. High Knees, High Plank/Low Plank, Merkin to Squat, WWII, Squat Junps, Side Plank, Iron Mikes, SSH, Groiners, Chill Cut Plank

1 min of Total Body Destroyers.

Prayer Requests: Drano’s friends’ son battling cancer and all pediatric cancer patients, Night Stick’s daughter

Announcements:  Turnover has IS this Saturday.

MC: Just after the 6th Core Principle (SSH) was completed Drano took off.  We figured he was done and heading out for a run, but he was actually meeting his FNG Nate Birdsong.  Nice guy and more on him later.  Very Jolly crew this Morning.  60 minutes seemed very concerned about the difference between Squat Jumps and Bobby Hurleys while Schneider just put in the work. Both those guys had a decent rhythm going along with the music.  Definitely need to up my game if YHC am going to get Turn Over to remove his hat like Huck managed to do on Saturday.  He obviously eats Tabata for breakfast.  Great to meet Lois Lane this morning.  He did call out to the Sweet Baby Jesus during the Abs, and Bevo reminded him that the COT came at the end of the workout.  Speaking of Bevo, once NSYNC started there was no holding him back. He kept the Pax entertained and the topics are not printable here in keeping with the PG13 rating Spam expects in his Back Blasts. My man Post Hole, was just his happy self and seemed to have a nip of the Christmas cheer himself especially when he was hitting the high notes with along with Maria Carey.  Due to his workout attire, Bevo really wanted to name Nate Denim Dan, but the Pax settled on CPAC due to a story about his namesake brewery (Birdsong) down in Charlotte.  He is a realtor buddy of Drano and YHC hopes to see him in the near future.