12 – 3 TQ

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 12/3/20

PAX: Root Canal, Ziggy Stardust, Organ Grinder, Van Gogh, Argyle, Boomerang, DDay, Greenacres

8 Pax gathered outside Speas in the cold weather awaiting a non running, no rocks TRQ.  At 529 the disclaimer was made except this one was different.  It was simple.  “there will be no running, no jogging, and no mosey today.  I hope everyone brought a protein shake.”  Before any comments could be made, it was 0530 and here we go….

today is 12/3.  we will have stations on the ground, on a bench, and on a wall.  we will work with 12 reps and 3 exercises all day.

warm o rama – 12 SSH, 3 burpees, 12 IW, 3 burpees, 12 whirly, 3 burpees, (enter a car going 60 mph on polo and out jumps Argyle to make 9 PAX), 12 toy soldiers, 3 burpees, copperhead squats, 3 burpees, 12 michael phelps, 3 burpees

walk to the rectangle brick benches at the flagpole for bench work –

spread out and find a starting point.

perform 12 derkins on each side of the rectangle for 48 derkins. transportation between each set –  you must keep your feet on the bench and walk with your hands on the ground around the rectangle to the next side.

to rest the smoked shoulders, perform 12 rocking chair lunges

back to the bench – 12 dips on each side.  transportation between each side – stay in dip position and use hands/arms to “walk” around bench.

to rest smoked arms, perform 12 bear hop to the side things (i can never remember what these are called)

back to the bench – 12 urkins on each side.  transportation between each side – you can guess

to rest the smoked shoulders, perform 12 of a new exercise – stay in low sumo squat, rotate to the right and lunge, back to sumo, to the left lunge, sumo = 1.  yep.  gonna feel that tomorrow.

now that our arms and legs are shaking, walk to find a parking space.  all spread out with your own space.

round 1 – bear crawl to the top corner of the space and perform 12 merkins, bear crawl to next corner for 11, next corner for 10……..all the way to 1.

round 2 – duck walk to corner for 12 squats…….down to 1

round 3 – crab walk to corner for 12 WWII…..down to 1

walk over to the wall for the final station

12 donkey kicks

12 balls to the wall shoulder touches

12 burpee rebound drills

walk back to start and circle up for mary plus…

slow freddy merks x 12 IC, slow American hammers x 12 IC.

finale…… 3 merkins.  yep, 3 merkins.  and everyone was shaking/crying (read below for some minor details about the merkins)

time.  announcements – Q’s needed for Purgatory, Flatline, and Urban Assault (VG gave a great speech about stepping up, being a leader, and this being what F3 is about).  Root has Outhouse Q on Monday

prayers – Spam’s father, Sour and Schneider’s mother, Nightstick (Hemphills)

YHC took us out.


I ran into Root canal at the grocery store last night and told him that i had the Q at TRQ – he said he would be there.  after the workout, he reported that he is no longer going to go to that grocery store

this is the second time this week that i worked out with Organ Grinder – he is the quiet killer and puts in the work.

Boomerand put me on short suspension from Qing till at least Feb.

Ziggy had requested yhc to Q parliment sometime soon – he rescinded his offer

Arglye comes in late bc he doesnt need to warm up.  just gets it done

Greenacres is a monster…..laughed at the workout and may have done most of it with one arm.

VG did VG stuff – crushed the workout, asked why we didn’t make certain exercises harder, and motivated the rest of the pax

there were concerns about being cold this morning.  no one was cold after 533.

yhc asked Root if we should do one more round of dips around the bench – he said no

YHC really enjoyed this workout….maybe it was the amazing pax, maybe its because i cant move my arms.  either way, thank you to those that posted and continue to support F3.

oh!! the finale…..3 merkins.  there was a twist.  to keep up the 12/3 theme…..  it was a 12 count down and a 12 count up.  so it took almost a minute and a half to do 3 merkins.  they loved it……

no rocks.  no running. promise kept.

Boomerang, thank you for being a great site Q and all you do.  Looking forward to Feb when my suspension ends.


1 Comment

  • Mike Brewer
    December 4, 2020 11:56 am

    Any laughter on my part was of the frightened hysterical type! Awesome beat down. Will add that Box o’ Derkins to my next Q (since I didn’t quite finish the hand walking after the 4 dozen Derkins 😳#wannaGrowUptoBeVG). Great job as Q; tough, innovative workout start to finish!

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