WIB Preblast – 11.12.20

QIC: Burns

PAX: You!

YHC is taking the reins due the scheduled Q and then the initial substiQ being on the COVID-19 Restricted List.
We will WIB at Piedmont Plaza tomorrow, with an option to go across the street to loop around Publix if the weather clears.
4 stations
1. 20 HR merkins 20 jump squats
2. 20 each Am Ham, Low Dolly, crunchy frog
3. 20 each H2H, Cheesesteak penguins, plank jack
4. 20 Mike Tysons 20 Bonnie blairs (SC)
Complete the stations in a snake order – 1 2 3 4 3 2 1 2 3 etc. until time is called.
If we are in the parking deck, each level will be a station
If we are outside, the stations will be (1) at Mayberry, (2) at the front door of Nawab, (3) behind Little Richards BBQ, and (4) in front of the main entrance to Publix.