To hell with it all…

QIC: Sour Mash

Date: 10/22/2020

PAX: Schneider (WD), Harden, 60 Minutes (WB) Sour Mash (QIC)

3 established #WeFoCo PAX showed up at #TheDistillery last Thursday, giddy with anticipation for a dependable, if not predictable, Sour Mash Q.

The insubordination began almost immediately.  Grumblings for coffee in lieu of #Dora reverberated under the shelter during Warm-o-Rama.  Insufficient reciprocity as the Q called cadence, boorish and barbaric drivel cast in the Q’s direction with an overall lack of veneration demoralized the spirit of the Q.

The dejected Q was befuddled and chose to live in martyrdom forever as he morosely succumbed to the pitchforks and torches curiously amassed by the PAX.  “Let’s get coffee” was proclaimed, as #Dora was spared for another day.