Off the top of my head

QIC: Offsides

Date: 10/24/20

PAX: Burlap, Parkay, Splash, Spamalot, Lemming, Lace, Sour Mash, Five Dollar Footlong, Bulldog, Argyle, Bam, Pony Express

The day began like any other, for one exception, I had to Q Purgatory because I did not have a Q on the calendar.  As I was driving to the AO I had some trepidations but, when I arrived I had an epiphany of ideas.  I could use the vast knowledge and experience of my fellow PAX to make this a beat down by committee.  I had great input from a group that was understanding and willing to be apart of this adventure.  We started with Warm-O-Rama of, you guessed it Side straddle hops, moving quickly to Imperial Walker then down to some stretching Yoga style with Downward dog then to Upward dog followed very closely by right heel to right hand with left arm skyward and then switching sides to the left side same deal. I thought it would be a good idea to do some Michael Phelps to loosen up the upper body because I knew I was going to punish that area very soon.  We also did some lower body stretching with Abe Vigoda and some Whirly, Quad and Hamstring stretching.

Moseyed to the lower parking lot near the Lido deck to perform a favorite of Splash, the dreaded parking space Merkins. Starting out with one regular, with bear crawl forward to one wide merkin, side crawl to one diamond merkin then finally to one ranger merkin.  Increasing by one each time for a set of five. We then moseyed to the Lido deck for some lower body and upper body work. Step-ups right and left 10 each. In cadence dips x 15.  Single leg right and left leg squats with one leg on the bench led by Lace.  Repeated that set. Moseyed to the rock pile for some pain with rocks.  We did people chair with rock exercises of overhead press, rock forward press and rock straight arm raises took a lap around the circle back to rocks with standing work of  curls for girls arm blasters of 21 gun salute and skull crushers (best said by Splash). Repeated our set of peoples chair work and our lap followed by our standing arm work repeated. We then moseyed from there to the front parking area where we did different modes of transport between the islands.  Forward lunges to first island followed by LBC in cadence x 20, reverse lunges to second island with Heels to heaven led by Pony Express, then Karaoke to last island and I cannot remember the exercise.  Moseyed to the last 2 stations.  We went down the hill, where HOG punished us at the last Purgatory beatdown, to the parking spaces where we did Defensive back drills.  Moved over to the hill to do Burpees at the bottom and Carolina Dry Docks at the top of the hill.  Obviously we ran or jogged or somehow moved up the hill.  Each stop would be an increase in the work load.  1 Burpee at bottom, 2 Dry Docks at top, 3 Burpees at bottom, 4 Dry Docks at top.  You get the picture.  Finally Mary came to save us and finish strong.  Some LBC’s, low flutter and Mutton Crunches.


“Give blood, your not using all yours.” – Splash

Vote – Bam

Prayer Requests:

Lace – Pray for colleague in Texas in ICU on ventilator due to COVID

Goofy and family in your prayers for his wife’s family members

BMOC – Father-in-law passed away

Under Toe – Father

Argyle led our COT prayer.


Thank you all for the help in this Q and thank for the chance to lead such an amazing group of men.


Splash was kind enough to offer his services for this upcoming rendition of Purgatory. Be sure to come I’m sure we will learn some sort of science.



  • Burns
    October 29, 2020 11:53 am

    This looks like a solid beatdown, Offsides! Wouldn’t believe you made it up on in a pinch if you hadn’t said so yourself.

  • Spamalot
    November 2, 2020 8:38 am

    Appreciate $5 and Sourmash making the IR walk with me. It looked like the other Pax were working hard.

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