For A Good Time…Run


Date: 10/27/2020

PAX: Winklevoss, $5 Footlong, Ramses, Resistor, Chomper, Plunger, Palin

7 PAX were curious about my tweets so they showed up.  Little did they know my elaborate plan was just a facade to trick them into running up and down Buena Vista for 45 minutes

The Thang:
Warm-up mosey to base of Buena Vista.For those that don’t know there are “markers” painted on the road on BV every 100M from the bottom to the top.  So in the spirit of Tommy Tutone we first ran up the 8 then back down then to the 6 then down and back to the 7 and down and back to the 5 then down and back to the 3We ran out of time so moseyed back the HP lot.  We had 1 minute left so I called for 10 burpees OYO which I did but no one else.  Wink did 2-3?

Prayer Requests

1. $5 Footlong requests continued prayers for healing for his lungs

2. Undertow’s family

YHC took us out praying for the above requests as well as the “argument” below and prayers for those with short fuses given current climate.


1. During our warm up mosey we enjoyed listening to Jenny just in case there was someone who forgot the most famous phone number of all.

2. Resistor complained on the way back that the song would be in his head all day so I played Safety Dance to help with that problem which I am sure helped.

3. Chomper and Ramses were always running ahead so they kept missing the numbers on the ground

4. YHC appreciated all the safety gear that the pax wore and we were blessed by light traffic on BV5. During our mosey we heard 2 women yelling at each other in the woods near the train bridge.  We were hesitant to get involved in the catfight.  Shortly thereafter some of WS finest drove up asking if we had heard anyone yelling.  We happily pointed the police (who are much more brave than all of us) in the right direction.

6. Some PAX covered over 5 miles during a Redline which should be close to a record.

7. Last but not least…I chose BV bc I was tired of the track and we haven’t run BV in quite awhile.  I asked my M (BonJovi  of FIA-WS fame) what her favorite BV workout was (YHC knew they often enjoyed the steady climb of BV).  She reminded me of the plan she had designed.  She said some of them are able to complete the song during their 1 hr workout so I think we did pretty good getting to “3.”

8. Again, it is always an honor and privilege to lead (and be lead by) the fine men of F3.


  • Jacob Spangler
    October 27, 2020 4:28 pm

    1. you still tweet? that’s so two thousand and late, all the cool kids are on Slack
    2. there is a thin line between brave and dumb
    3. great workout, thanks for stealing it from your M

  • Burlap
    October 27, 2020 7:45 pm

    Wondering what you would do for “0”. I can probably handle that number. Great concept.

  • Resistor
    October 27, 2020 8:33 pm

    Yes I have been humming that darn song ALL day long and I keep screwing up the number every time. That was a lot of “fun” and a great workout. Best of all Ramses volunteered to Q an upcoming Redline of his choosing . Thanks for running with me plunger !

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