A Nice Stroll Through the Park at IS

QIC: Drip

Date: 10/24/20

PAX: Ziggy, Palin, Flutter, Mutton, Drip

Warm Up

Mosey Shelter beside tennis office.  Ladder: 9 Low flutters (DC) with hands stretched behind head at shelter run up to bars and 1 Chin up.  Run back to Shelter. 8 low flutters, run to bars, 2 chin ups…1 low flutter 9 chin ups.

Follow cones Bridge to Pocket Park via Education Hill.  Mode of transportation on cone.

Duck walk forward, Duck walk backward, Bear Crawl, Crawl Bear, Crab Walk forward, Crab Walk backward, Spider Man Crawl, Ape walk forward, Ape walk backward, Ape walk sideways, Power skip, Inch worm, Sideways Plank walk, Sideways plank walk with a Merkin, Broad Jumps, Bunny Hops, Bear Crawl, Bear Crawl, Bear Crawl

Mosey back to Chin Up bars while picking up all the cones.

One Slow reverse Chip Up for 20 count, One Slow reverse chin up for 30 count, One slow reverse chin up for 45 count

Mosey back for Mary: Asheville Abs and Mary by Committee

It was a beautiful Fall morning at Hanes Park and a great group to guys to get to hang out with for a whole hour.  LOTs for MC (as expected from the attendance list.) It was great to see Flutter. He was in town visiting his daughter and he always shows up to put in the work.  Mutton and YHC had not crossed paths in a while and it was good to catch up with him.  We covered a lot of ground, our shoes were thoroughly waterlogged and we smelled like grass and dirt.  The Pax needed a little coaxing when they saw how far the cones stretched, but it was all worth it as we crab-walked backwards and saw the distance we covered framed in autumn leaves, covered in a fine mist.  Ziggy is a trooper and didn’t complain at all, as least I couldn’t hear him over Palin. Speaking of Palin, the award for the Dash Pax-wide Best Spider Merkin Walk goes to him.  Get him to demonstrate it for you some time.

Prayer Requests:  $5!  He is having a rough time with pulmonary issues.  Reach out to him and get him to walk with you pre or post workouts.  Taylor Smith.  She was in a terrible accident 11 days ago and is in Trauma ICU.  She is broken in many places and needs prayers for healing and comfort for her family.