The 21st Morn of September

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 9/21/2020

PAX: Schneider, The Singing Cowboy, Sour Mash, Harden, Snake Eyes, Bluto, Sgt Schultz, Boomerang, Drama Queen

A cool morning greeted the pax on the official last day of summer.  With the Y now open and parking condensed, the pax gathered in tighter confines than the old days of parking by the basketball goal.  Weekend football and lack thereof (and lack of performance of some teams) was briefly discussed. Even though Snake Eyes was still assembling the shovel flag, the clock had hit 0530 and it was time to begin.  We moved a few yards to the adjacent parking lot and after confirming that all pax had been thru orientation, we began.

WARMARAMA – went thru many of the standards with Dry Dock Crabs for the big finish.  Movement on those was better than average (tho that is a low bar)

We moseyed around the new part of the Y to the long forgotten lower track and field.  There we partnered up (YHC teamed up with Bluto and Snake Eyes for a trio) and performed the Super Collider. Each partner ran in opposite directions and upon meeting performed 10 HR merkins, 20 LBCs, and 30 squats.  After meeting 4 times and all running about 2 laps we gathered at another forgotten spot of the AO, the hill at the SW corner of the Y.

There we performed 7s with no burpees, bear crawls or crab walks.  Bottom of the hill exercise was squat jumps and top was Mike Tysons.  Some complained about the grass being wet.  Surprisingly, none complained about MTs.

After that is was a little bench work under the shelter.  That consisted of 2 rounds of R/L step ups, irkins and dips.  Triceps were a little smoked by the end of this.

We had just enough time to run past the Y outdoor exercisers – they looked very organized but of course they paid more than we did today.  We gathered back at the launch point for some Mary – Freddie Mercs. penguin crunches, heels to heaven, low flutter (perhaps one more) before the traditional DQ finish of snow angels.

6:15 on the dot.


TSC and Schneider got in an EC run

Harden joined at Spicoli time but got plenty of work in – he also was quiet when the Q for next week question came up.  He knew it was him, so he must have something diabolical planned.

Glad to have Bluto as a running partner on the super collider – hope YHC didn’t slow you down too much

Bluto said he thought thru Mon workout choices of Iron Pax at The Outhouse or DQQ at VI – hope he enjoyed his choice

Snake Eyes is fast

MC was relatively light but Schultz and Boomerang did their part

Thought we had lost Sour Mash and TSC during super collider but eventually they came sprinting out of the dark


Snake Eyes needs Qs for VI – slots open in November

YHC announced world premiere of 10 minute play next Monday night.  See details here


Goofy’s in-laws are in hospital with COVID

YHC took us out lifting up all affected by COVID and prayers for country and world

Always an honor



1 Comment

  • Spamalot
    September 23, 2020 7:09 am

    Ahh yes, that darn hill. Does not look too bad, but once you start on it….Nice old school workout. Hate to have missed it.

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