What’s Missing Here?

QIC: Greenspan

Date: 8/13/20

PAX: Dr. Rootie Tootie Pharaoh, $5 Footlong, Cherry Pie, Tar Heel, Little Piggy, The H.O.G., Burns, Turnover, Huckleberry

Location:  Thruway Shopping Center parking lot across from Juice Shop and Carving Board

Unless you were there, you cannot imagine the humidity this morning.  I mean, even if you’ve posted every day for the past 3 weeks, the levels this morning were a gamechanger.  Following a flawless recitation of the mission statement and the five core principles, we “warmed” up.


SSHs, Whirlys (aka Abe Vigoda), Whirlys (for real this time), Up/Downward dogs


Run loops down to Chopt at one end and Plow & Hearth at the other end.  Each time you return to the launch point complete a group of exercises:

Group 1:  Mike Tysons, Dan Taylors, V-Ups, Bobby Hurleys

Group 2:  Dive Bombers, Russian Deadlifts (DC), Low Dolly + Gas Pumps combo, Jump Squat + 180 spin

Group 3:  Burpees, Monkey Humpers, Alabama Prom Dates, Mountain Climbers + Plank Jacks combo

At launch, complete five reps of group 1 exercises.  Run loop (direction doesn’t matter; want to encourage social distancing).  Return to center and complete five reps of group 2 exercises.  Run opposite direction loop, return to center, and complete five reps of group 3 exercises.  Run original loop again, return to center, and complete 10 reps of group 1 exercises.  Repeat for group 2 and 3 exercises.  Continue pattern adding 5 reps each time all three groups of exercises have been completed.

We continued until 0615, at which time we wrung ourselves out.  Thruway is now a lake of perspiration.



The Shmed:  24-hour CSAUP event August 28-29.  The August 28th-29th at River Oaks Community Church

  • 24-hour CSAUP event August 28th-29th. All proceeds will go to Crisis Control.  The festivities will commence at 6:00 pm on the 28th.  The Fairgrounds has kicked us out but, thanks to Van Gogh, we will be meeting at River Oaks Community Church.  Workouts will be at 6:00 pm, 2:00 am, 10:00 am, and 5:00 pm.  There is also a 5,000 rep challenge:  1,000 reps each of burpees, merkins, squats, SSHs, and WW2s.
  • Seriously, sign up for the Shmed. All proceeds will go to Crisis Control.  Turnover and Drama Queen have each pledged $10 for each attendee of the 2 am workout.
  • There will be a food drive between now and the Shmed, and also at the Shmed itself. Cans of food can be brought to workouts at the Outhouse, Estate, Mayhem, and WIB.


Teachers and students navigating virtual school

Burns and his M going through a blue time feeling beat down.

Little Piggy’s M started a new job at Baptist this past week.


  • It was muggy.
  • Bevo HCed, but no showed.  He had a good reason, but his absence was the first sign that something would be missing today.
  • Thruway is the perfect AO for WIB. Alas, pull-up apparati of any kind are missing at Thruway.
  • Burns humble bragged his 3.2 miles with “I was probably on the low end there.”  SMH.
  • Progress slowed considerably with the round of fifteen reps. As in, we got through all three groups of ten reps by 5:55 but only a few made it past all three groups of twenty reps.
  • Palin wasn’t here. Conspiracists among the pax suggested that Palin had stopped coming to WIB on Thursdays so that he could smoke the pax at OGs on Fridays.
  • It was muggy.
  • The pre-blast had indicated that plank jacks should accompany mountain climbers.  Reality was that the “+ plank jack” was missing from the weinke.
  • Little Piggy has jumped back into the mix, popping up at several AOs. Time to get him in the Q rotation.
  • Cherry Pie was wide awake this morning and had his normal cheery disposition.
  • The H.O.G. played the role of Zima this morning as he and Cherry Pie chased each other back and forth.  The two of them seemed to have a good time together.
  • We could see Dr. Toot, but I’m not sure Dr. Toot could see us. There was a fog machine behind the glasses.
  • Tar Heel was strong, leaving me in his wake several times. He also played a game of chance by hurdling the diagonal parking blocks as he ran.  It was impressive.
  • Huckleberry and Burns hung together for the longest time; then Burns abandoned Huck and went missing. Burns later reappeared with $5 Footlong on the other side of the building.  Perhaps the humidity confused the guys and got them thinking we were playing hide-and-seek.
  • It was muggy.

Post-workout, YHC texted Burns the following:

‘Hanes Park is the muthaship, but WiB is where my heart sleeps.’

Thanks for the keys, Burns.  They are missing, but presumably at the bottom of the sweatpond.

Greenspan out.


Epilogue:  YHC left this in draft status and then failed to include a link in the tweet.  Just par for the course on a day when something was missing.