Virtual Learning @ Impossible Situation, 8.22.2020

QIC: Burns

Date: 8.22.2020

PAX:  Palin, Ziggy Stardust, $5 Footlong, Mutton, BuyOut, BooBoo, Burns (QIC), Spicoli, Cheesesteak, THE Singing Cowboy, Drip, and Former FNGs Whirlpool, Rah Rah, Cat Call, & Scrubs

TSC joined me for a couple of laps around the park to get the blood flowing prior to what turned out to be a terrible beatdown.

Burns’ Back To School Special this year chose to reflect on the #ImpossibleSituation that is Virtual Learning.  Teachers, students, and administrators alike are all struggling with this new format of education that is significantly altering the daily landscape of schooling.  YHC chose to condense those difficulties into a single weinke:

  • V-up/Gas Pump combo
  • Iron Mikes
  • Rosalita/Heels to Heaven combo
  • T-merkins
  • Undulating Lunges
  • American Hammer/Crunchy frog combo
  • Lieutenant Dangers

The Thang:

Complete these exercises in order, one at a time, to the following schedule –

  • Shelter on the track … 10 reps
  • Top of the stairs at the base of the Intimidator … 20 reps
  • Second Intersection on the Intimidator … 30 reps [later Omaha’d to the first intersection]
  • Top of the stairs again … 20 reps
  • Shelter again … 10 reps

Continue until time is up.  We had 2 minutes of Mary that consisted of LBCs while the six was picked up and body destroyers until 0800.

90 total reps of each exercise before moving down the weinke to the next one.  YHC anticipated finishing the weinke, when in fact nobody made it to the Lieutenant Dangers.  The goal was a heavy emphasis on legs and core, which was doubly (nay…triply) achieved.  YHC can hardly walk or laugh today. Palin got the MC started early with questions about the need for gloves and YHC’s lack thereof. He also suggested that our ‘U’ exercise should have been Up-dogs, an elementary prank that YHC sniffed out and did not fall for.  Cheesesteak quickly pulled away from the PAX and led the charge, very nearly completing all of the American Hammer combos before time was up.  All other pax were somewhere on that exercise when time was called.  Unbelievable effort by all in attendance – truly relentless.  After the first set I felt terrible for the FNGs in attendance, but none of them seemed phased much.  Speaking of…

Whirlpool, FKA Spencer Holcomb is a PE Teacher at Hanes Middle School and a baseball coach at Reagan HS with YHC.  He formerly was a catcher at WCU and grew up in the area.  Whirlpool comes from Spicoli’s observation of a very prominent and intimidating six-pack of abdominal muscles the likes of which have never and will never appear on YHC’s rapidly intensifying #dadbod.  Washboard is too cool of a name, so a step down from a washboard is a Whirlpool.

Rah Rah, FKA Zack Taft (help me out $5) is a coworker of $5 Footlong’s at Collins, and a recent graduate of NC State University where he was on the Cheer Team.  Rah Rah was the overwhelming favorite of other cheer-related suggestions.

Cat Call, FKA Daniel Payne is a financial analyst in the area and an unfortunate soul who was running by the PAX at the wrong time.  He got politely invited (read: catcalled) to join, which he accepted, and then proceeded to dominate the workout while fitting right in with the PAX.

Scrubs, FKA Issaka Nsiah is a hospitalist in High Point that works closely with BooBoo.  He mentioned that he has run in the Mistletoe before and likes the Hanes Park area, and accepted BooBoo’s invitation to work out with us.  A Ghanaian national, he & BuyOut stuck together and BuyOut was a great encourager, but Scrubs didn’t need it much…the dude is fit!

Other Announcements:

The Shmed is happening, and if you haven’t heard of it you must be trying really hard to avoid it.  Some awesome things are happening in the build up to the big day, culminating in 24hrs of CSAUP fitness challenges to raise money & food donations for Crisis Control Ministries.  Visit for more info, or contact H.O.G., Greenspan, Wobegon, Spam, or others for more info.  Some cans were brought to IS, and cans are being collected at AOs all this week and during the event for a canned food drive, and there are monetary donations and pledges being collected as well.  New to the fold just this week is a half-marathon following the 2AM beatdown, headed up by Palin.  CSAUP, indeed.

The Work is happening Monday nights, usually at 7:30.  Zoom meetings that may eventually become in-person conversations about racial inequality & injustices in our city, state, country, and beyond. Just trying to figure out what we can do to support those conversations as WS PAX.

If you haven’t signed up for the Iron Pax Challenge, you absolutely should. Last year’s IPC was a great month full of camaraderie & CSAUP fitness feats, and I wouldn’t trade those 4 brutal beatdowns for anything because of how much closer it felt like the participating PAX got during last September. Sign up here:

No prayer requests were mentioned, YHC took us out in a spirit of thanksgiving.

Drip, thanks for the keys. I hope I didn’t leave them on the Intimidator, because I’m not going back up that thing for a while.