Best Monday Ever

QIC: Root Canal

Date: 17 August 2020

PAX: Cheesesteak, The H.O.G., Tigger, Snake Eyes, Dr. Toot

Unusually pleasant start to the day as this strong group assembled at The Estate. All PAX were aware of my aversion to knowing the time, so they were gracious enough to give me the hint and so, it began….

Warm-o-rama consisted of SSH, Abe Vigodas, IST, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, and Whirley’s.

Moseyed to the bridge where we did one DC lunge and then added one at every light post until we came to the end of the trail, 153 DC lunges by my count.

Moseyed to the Quad where we took a lap that included 10 burpees, then 10 merkins, heels to Heaven, and monkey humpers, followed by 20 of each, followed by 30 of each, and ending with 10 additional burpees. Time was evaporating, so we beat a hasty retreat back to the start, but on the way, we did The Gross, 12 reps of 12 exercises, which were squats, wide merkins, Peter Parkers, Parker Peters, diamond merkins, pickle pounders, rocking chair lunges, merkins, Nolan Ryans, monkey humpers, hallelujah low flutters, and burpees.

Back on the trail, we did 1 squat at each light post and at the bridge, we did 5 dips, 5 erkins, 5 dips, 5 mekins, 5 dips, 5 derkins, and 5 dips.

Hustled back to the start and did 10 American Hammers before time was called.

COT was held and we left quickly due to an unexpected onslaught of teenagers in the parking lot.

Cheese steak is a true form master and encouraged me to deepen my lunges. Thanks. The H.O.G. continues to bring his soccer-centric thinking to the Tiggers of the world. Tigger and Cheesesteak need an abacus to keep up with the exercise counts. Snake Eyes brings his beautiful conversation to the back of the pack or can zip to the front, a true F3 #HIM.

Let’s knock Shmedfest out of the park for Crisis Control Ministries, bring the food, bring the donations, bring the CSAUP that is F3.

H.O.G., thanks for the keys. I left them with those kids in the lower parking lot

1 Comment

  • Tigger
    August 17, 2020 2:52 pm

    Brutal…I still think it was brutal.

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