An Assault on Bailey Park

QIC: Drip

Date: 7/31/20

PAX: Lambchop, Cheesesteak, Truckstop (WB), Post Hole, Drip (WD)

Warm Up

Mosey to Med School

10 min of HIIT:45 sec work, 15 Sec Rest

High Knees, High Plank/Low Plank, Merkin to Squat, WWII, Squat Jump, Side Plank (switch sides in 20 sec) Iron Mikes, SSH, Groiners, Burpees

Mosey to Coal Pit and Partner Up

  1. Holds Low Plank. B. 5 Merkins Flap Jack until 50 total Merkins together

Mosey to Train tracks

Partner Up: A: 10 hanging crunches.  (Feet touch rail) B.  Banana Hold until partner is finished flap jack and repeat 3 times

Mosey past Nissen Bldg

Mosey halfway down the cobblestones then bear crawl to the benches for 10 Box Jumps, Bear crawl half way up. Bear Crawl back down for 10 alternating step ups.  Power Skip half way up, then lunge walk down for 10 crunches on the benches in cadence.  Mosey to the top for 20 Cobra Squats in cadence.

Jailbreak back to Start for a Quick Mary

Announcements and Prayer Requests:  Lambchop has a healthy niece and Cheesesteak has a healthy nephew.  Pray for safe travels as Cheesesteak’s Mom flys from Washington state to Florida.  Truckstop is off furlough and has his VQ at Urban Assault Friday, August 7th.


It was a very congenial pax this morning and YHC had a great time hanging out with these guys while everyone got in a good workout.  Cheesesteak announced that the Side Planks portion of the HIIT were more like a rest.  The Pax called out a hearty “Modify as Necessary”, so while we concentrated on keeping one hand in the air, he commenced touching his knee to his forehead.  During part of the hanging crunches, three unnamed Paxs’ banana holds dissolved into a comfortable sitting position.  At least Post Hole manned up and congratulated LambChop and Truckstop’s work they were putting into their crunches.  Iron Sharpens Iron!  Thanks for the keys Cheesesteak, the are on the cobblestone slope.