So Many Vowels

QIC: Drip

Date: 7/20/20

PAX: Root Canal, Manscape, $5, Cheesesteak (Kotters), Drip

Warm Up

Mosey to Lower Lot.  Taking the long way

Use Alphabet chart to spell out each Pax name.

Vowels=10 Burpees.

B. 40 LBC, C. 30 Squats, D. 15 Absolutions F. 40 SSH G. 10 Dive Bombers, H. 10 Groiners J. 30 High Knees K 10 Merkins, L 20 Alt. Lunges, M 20 Mike Tysons, N. 40 WWII, P. 20 Plank Jacks, Q 30 Low Fluters, R. 15 Wide Merkins S. 15 Mt Climbers T. 10 Iron Mikes, V. 20 Mtn Climbers, W. 30 V Ups, X 15 Burpees, Y. 20 Iron Mikes, Z. 20 Plank Jacks

Mosey to Lower Lot.  Taking the long way again

3 Minutes of Mary

Announcements:  Smedfest, sign up online.  24 hours of F3 and fundraiser for Crisis Control.  Major Awards will be given out for Feats of Strength and Endurance.

Prayer Requests:  Root Canal’s father in law passed away and a celebration of his life will be this weekend.  May we live so that folks will say as nice of things about us in our passing as RC said about his father in law.  Please pray for $5’s Mom.  She is hospitalized due to gastric issues.  Pray for healing and comfort for her as well as $5 and is father as they care for her.

What Happened:  While HOG was away preaching at a youth camp, YHC put a few ideas on paper for a quick Subist-Q.  Let’s just say we just checked on thing off that list.  Who knew that the guys with the longest names and all the vowels would show up at the Estate?  Where were Burns, Pony and Zima when you need them?  Each Pax became the Q as the chart was passed around.  Root selected the most vowel infused of all his aliases, Pharaoh, and we were off.  Cheesesteak saw his 4 vowels and upped the ante to 6.  Fortunately $5 just used his stage name and had the chart where some of the O’s were noted to be Low Flutters. Things didn’t get any better as we trudged through Manscape.  We finished up with a 4 letter name with one vowel and 5 minutes left in the workout. Of course Root did 11 Burpees on the last one.  We all congratulated ourselves on the 150 (151) Burpees we intermixed with other exercises this morning. Upon calculating that the median age of the Pax was 51, we wondered where all the Young Guns were, and decided it was time to go rehydrate before our Metamucil kicked in.  Strong work by an excellent group of men!