Impossible Situation

QIC: Mutton

Date: 07/25/20

PAX: Mutton, Drip, Root Canal, Drifter, Lamb Chop, Buyout FNG Red Stripe

6 Pax gathered at the Mothership for an ab lib Mutton beat down.

It was hot and humid but a warm up run was in order before taking on warm-a-rama.  The Pax exited the parking lot to the right for a trip around the YMCA.  Glad to see an outdoor Y class taking place as we passed the Y’s back parking lot.

Warm-a-rama at the gates to Hanes Park

SSH x 20

IST x 20

Dips x 20

Whirlys x 15

Abe Vigoda x 10

The Thang:

Geometric Quadrafinia up the Intimidator

Backward run to each stop sign then – 4 Merkins, 4 LBCs, 4 Squats.  Each exercise doubled at each stop.  Last stop consisted of 32 of each.
Along the way, FNG Red Stripe was walking with his wife.   Thanks to Root Canal’s encouragement, he joined us for this portion of the morning.  Hope to see him next Saturday!

Upon completion, the plan was to stop at the gazebo at the park at the top of the hill.  The gazebo was occupied so we continued to the wall near West End Cafe for 7 layers of dip.

Derkins, left leg step up, Monkey Humpers, right leg step up, Merkins, Lunges and Erkins followed each double count set of dips.

The Pax quickly started to make our way back to Hanes Park.  With enough time on our hands, we stopped for a quick 3 man grinder.  2 Pax stayed at station 1, while 2 more ran 100 yards down the Intimidator.  1st pax executed Pickle Punders, 2nd pax executed Overhead claps.

After 3 rounds we continued to the parking lot for 12 minutes of Mary.   I felt like a full day in an hours time.

Thanks to everyone who came out, but I would like to see IS numbers go up.  This is a great AO with a lot of variety and room to roam.

No big announcements.  Prayer requests for Lamb Chop’s sister and my niece who is going to have a her first child Monday.

YHC took us out asking that we all try to make ourselves better in His light so we can lead my the example God has set for us.

1 Comment

  • Greenspan
    July 26, 2020 8:30 pm

    Always sorry to miss a Mutton Q. This looked to be as expected. Solid job.

    Did Red Stripe happen to be pushing a stroller?

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