

Date: 6/13/2020

PAX: Burlap, Splah, Hop, Rust Bucket, Bulldog, Spam, Lemming, Huck, TSC, Parkay, Bluto, DDay, High Cotton, Turnover, H.O.G

15 Pax joined the Q for an exciting time with rocks this morning. After some crazy stretching exercises that the pax thought were a little over the top, we headed over to the field where the Pax found 3  rocks sticking out of the ground. The pax found that Stonehenge was built apparently by H.O.G at Speas and that Stonehenge can be moved as well.




Seal Claps

Overhead Claps

Abe Vigoda

Whirly with a Clap

Lying Windmill Stretch

Scorpion Stretch

The Thang


pick a medium rock and bring it to the track. Where three rocks at 15, 30, 45 yards from start.

Do 20 reps of Curls, Overhead press, rows, squats

throw rock and bear crawl to it do a burpee throw it and run back to start to bear crawl back to it. Continue this all the way to 3rd rock. At each rock do the 20 reps of exercises

round 2 rocks are backed up to 20, 35, 50 yards

Same 20 rep exercises this time though lunge walk back to start and run to rock for burpees and throwing rock

Next Mosey to hill by lido deck for some Mosey Mary

5 Crunchy frogs at bottom of hill

10 DC X-Factors at middle of hill

15 WW2s at top

run back down and keep going for 10 minutes

Pax did 4-5 rounds of Mary



Monday 530 Zoom meeting with Hop about Social Equity starting June 22

Shmedfest Aug. 28-29 6pm to 6pm for Crisis Control


The pax did not like Stonehenge at all

Spam and Huck tried to not do the burpees

TSC was the only pax to choose the sun and not the shade for the exercises

Rust Bucket and Burlap tried to keep pax on track

Turnover learned you can’t throw a Boulder very far

YHC was covered in mud bc the rock chosen was muddy on the bottom

Bulldog said he comes for the coffeeteria

It was an honor to lead the pax today. Offsides I left the keys somewhere in the unmowed grass in the field next to the third rock of Stonehenge.


  • Burlap
    June 14, 2020 9:37 am

    Almost worth the price of admission. Good full body workout. Rock choice was key. More so on the shape than the size. Good job, H.O.G.

  • Spamalot
    June 14, 2020 10:00 am

    Not sure why we were punished during 2nd round with longer distances. Beautiful morning and great to be outside with the guys. Coffeteria was great. Boo Boo made the trek from IS.

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