I Didn’t Come Out For Nothing

QIC: Drama Queen

Date: 06/02/2020

PAX: Starfish, Schneider, Gucci, Blue Steel, Palin, The Pony Express, Turnover, Zima, Van Gogh, Bevo, Huckleberry, Drama Queen

It was a beautiful morning and the Q had promised a surprise.  YHC arrived early to prepare it and found several cars in the parking lot.  After the prep work was complete more cars kept coming and the EC runners made it in.  Pony expressed (see what I did there) the value of being well lit to Palin who Pony had seen but not the others until he was closer as he was driving in.  There was some discussion of the metric system versus the Imperial (Palin knew that term) and the distance that was covered by the runners.  Somewhere between 3 miles and 5k.  With all that out of the way, the count was up to 12 pax – many of whom are not Parliament regulars and one very special appearance of Blue Steel.  We could wait no longer so it began.


Pretty good sampling of the standards with a DQ special finish of dry dock crabs.  Noted that Blue Steel performed these as well as any of the other pax.

Since Huck had DMed me his HC last night but that he would need to leave by 6:00, the plan was reversed so the surprise that had been planned for the big finish was the first stop on the tour around the AO.


MC picked up as pax were led to the bottom of the parking lot below the cafeteria to find a grocery cart filled with concrete blocks.  Instruction was while one pax pushed cart to telephone pole and back others would rotate thru 10/10/10 of merkins, LBCs and squats.  Keep going until all pax had a turn with the cart.  Upon Blue Steel’s turn, YHC asked if he was good and the reply was “I didn’t come out for nothing.”  Credit to Zima for immediately suggesting that for the title of the backblast.

With that complete we moseyed over to the best hill in the Dash.


WWIIs at the top and Jump Squats at the bottom.  Mode of transport was mosey down but bear crawl back up.

Plan had been to use the often forgotten wooden benches at the south corner of the school but difficulty to social distance and high grass led to move on to the wall and save bench work for later.


The pax were then treated to the best wall in the Dash.  Kept it quick but we got in a set of donkey kicks, Mike Tysons and BTTW with all pax counting to 3 – should have total approx. 33 seconds (Huck had left by this point)

We then moseyed over to the metal tables for the bench work. Another quick set of r/l leg step ups, irkins and dips.


Mary back in the parking lot consisted of Freddie Mercs, Low Flutters, Rosalitas, American Hammers, and Snow Angels not necessarily in that order.



Temp and humidity were near perfect and nice to be finishing up in daylight

Great to see a good mix of pax – age wise and many who are not Parliament regulars.

Not sure of exact number of EC runners – Van Gogh, Palin, Zima, Huck and Turnover I believe – chime in if I missed someone.  Van Gogh ran the metric and Palin ran the Imperial distance. Not sure about others.

YHC did not recognize Blue Steel’s vehicle and was pleasantly surprised so see him get out.  Always an inspiration.

Palin, Zima and another pax (Turnover?) had to be called down for talking during Warmorama.  #shocked

Grocery cart seemed to work although it was a little easier that I thought it would be. #moreweightnexttime

Nice to have a few dry days in a row that allowed for hill work but the grass needs mowing.

Youngsters slammed the bear crawls. Tclaps to those who went back with Pony’s last round but don’t sleep on TPE he can kick it in when you least expect it.

Starfish’s car alarm did not go off today.

Pax seemed disappointed no Sumo Drill today.  They were instructed to perform OYO with spouse or other member of household


B&W will meet tomorrow and temporarily for a while at Food Lion parking lot Yadkinville Rd Pfafftown

Palin has TRQ Thur

Turnover has IS Sat

AO Challenge coming – hit all AOs over a quarter of year.  Word is Palin will buy beer for any who complete. Timing is TBD – watch the Twitter.

Shmedfest News – likely virtual musical performances still Aug 29.  Bigger news – 24 hours of F3 will be in conjunction.  HOG is working on details but early plan is 24 workout opportunities over 24 hours.  You pick when you want to come out for some fun.


YHC took us out

Always an honor








  • Ron Wixson
    June 2, 2020 2:33 pm

    DQ: a fine beat down… you are definitely and old people. Shopping cart was inspired. Would have been much happier to continue working with it vs. the bear crawls.

    This back blast is in the running for BB of the year.. details, observations, moleskin, witty. The bar is set very high.

  • Ron Wixson
    June 2, 2020 2:34 pm

    Old PRO, not old ‘people’. Although I guess you are an old people too

    • DQ Drama Queen
      June 2, 2020 3:05 pm

      Yes, I’m an old people. Didn’t quite know how to read the first one. Thought maybe you were including yourself as an old people. Thanks for the bb comments. Glad you appreciate my attempt at wit

  • Kevin Altman
    June 2, 2020 3:16 pm

    Pony Express[ed] would have been better, but I know you artsy types don’t care about that kind of thing…that is all

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