Ok…now what?

By the time the sun rises tomorrow, F3 Winston-Salem will be back.  Sort of.  Kinda.  The same, but different…right?? If you are at all like me, you have a lot of questions.  And few answers.  A lot has changed since we last officially...

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Q Source Preblast

It was fun to be able to discuss and interact with a few of the Pax over leadership and what F3 has meant to them. It is amazing how F3 is more than just working out and getting in shape. As YHC has been reading and listening to multiple...

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Q Source Information

YHC is excited to begin our journey through the Q Source. The Pax will be meeting at 8:30am on Saturdays until the Quarantine is over and the Pax can meet at the Peacehaven Chik-Fil-A. Information: Meeting ID: 710 2823 3174 Password: dashpax...

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