Q Source Preblast


Date: 5/9/2020

PAX: All

It was fun to be able to discuss and interact with a few of the Pax over leadership and what F3 has meant to them. It is amazing how F3 is more than just working out and getting in shape. As YHC has been reading and listening to multiple leadership men and women who are better at it than YHC. It has challenging not to look inside and see how good of leader YHC has been in all aspects of life. F3 is here not just to drive the Pax to get up the hill but to look inside and see how to better all the people in proximity to each of us (family, fitness, work, community). YHC would admit that life is not easy but would like to encourage all Pax to join in having others help along the journey of learning how to be a better person and to be better at leading others as well.

If the Pax could read this link on disruption from the Q Source Index (https://f3nation.com/2019/01/01/disruption-f-1/) and just make a view notes, thoughts, or questions to bring to the discussion that would be great. This will be very discussion based, hopefully learning from each other through debate and agreeing.


Meeting ID: 710 2823 3174
Password: dashpax
YHC hopes to see you there!