TRQ VirtuQ

QIC: Lace

Date: 3/26/2020

What You NEED: Your ROCK or Bell of Choice; 20 meter flat area
Opening Song: We Will Rock You (Queen)

Abe-Vigoda x 20
Copperhead Squats x 20
Butt-kickers x 20
Whirly w/a Clap (slow) x10
Arm Swirly Things x10 each (sm forward, sm reverse, lg forward, lg reverse)

Neck Stretch: Each side x2 (w 10 sec hold)
Standing Side Stretch: Left arm down, right overhead, lean left (20 sec); switch side
Monkey Humper Stretch: Low position, back upright and hold 20 seconds
Squat Stretch: Low sit, kick out left leg and reach left (20 sec); switch side
Butterfly Stretch: 20 sec hold, pull feet in closer and repeat


Suicide Run: Down/back x2 (or 10 high knees & 10 jump squats w knee slaps)

Round 1:
Merkins x 20
Skullcrushers x 20 (slow down, fast up)
Mike Tysons x 20
LBC x 40

Suicide Run (as above) with 2 Burpees on each end

Round 2:
Pendulum Lunge (same leg forward, then back) x15 each side
Squat Jump x 20 (touch ground w squat, jump up)
Parker Peters x 20
Freddie Mercuries x40

Suicide Run (as above) with 3 Burpees on each end

Round 3:
Merkins (wide) x 20
Overhead press x 20 (slow down, fast up)
Plank shoulder taps x 20
Box cutters x 10

Suicide Run with 4 Burpees on each end

Round 4:
Goblet Squats x 20
Squat jumps x 20
Apolo Ohno x 20
Low Flutter x 20

Suicide Run with 5 Burpees on each end

Round 5:
Dive-bomber pushups x 10
Curls for the Girls x 20
Carolina Dry Docks x 15
Rosalita x 20

Suicide Run with 4 Burpees on each end

Round 6:
Jump squats w knee slap x 15
Broad jump w jump turn x 20
Peter Parkers x 20
American Hammer x 40

Repeat Stretch-O-Rama

Post on Twitter – including praise / prayer requests – and encourage 2 F3WS