Intervals at IS

QIC: Drip

Date: 2/03/20

PAX: Burns, Ziggy, BooBoo, Tar Heel, Turn Over, Mutton, Lambchop, Drip

Quick warm up

Mosey to the tennis courts.30 sec of each: Left and right leg swings, Imperial Storm Troopers and Squat toe touch, 60 sec SSH. 20 sec rest. Next interval: Flutter steps with squat, High Knees, Burpees, SSH for 60 sec each the 20 sec rest.  Repeat same exercises for 50, then 40, then 30 then 20 the 10 sec with a 20 sec rest after each set of 4 exercises. Total time: 19 min 10 sec.

Mosey to Pull Up Bars:  Every Minute on the Minute for 10 min.  5 Pull Ups, 10 Merkins, 15 Squat Jumps.

Mosey to Hanes Park Entrance: 20 sec of each with 10 sec rest. Repeat twice then 20 rest.  Repeat twice for 15 min abs. Heels to Heaven, American Hammer, Low Flutter, WWII, Plank Punches.

Prayer Requests: BooBoo’s family member battling cancer and his daughter who is a new driver.

Announcements:  New and Improved Outhouse format

NMM: Great working out with these guys at IS!  Tclaps to Burns and TO for their 4 mile EC run prior to the boot camp.  The Pax were initially impressed that the Tabita Lady spoke F3 but were soon aggravated by her requests and lack of emotion.  Tar Heel was VERY concerned that she didn’t really understand the concept of rest periods in a true Tabita.  Huge amount of work put in by the Pax this morning, proud to be part of this group.