Tabata at Redline?

QIC: Burlap

Date: 14 Jan 2020

PAX: Balco, Valdez (WB?), Resistor, Peacemaker, Suede, Manscape (WD), Walter White, El Choppo (from Raleigh), Beverly, and Burlap (QIC)

Seven Pax did the main workout Qed by YHC while Walter White led El Choppo and Beverly in a track workout that seemed to involve a lot of fast running in distances of 100-400 meters.  They were flying.

The rest of us did a warm-up half lap clockwise around the park ending at the shelter near the tennis center just across the track.  The workout was ladder of laps 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 3, then 2, then 1 and so on if you could get that far.  In between sets of laps, the pax had to plank for between 40 and 70 seconds based on YHC’s tabata timer.

The time was set for one minute with ten second rest and a gong sound halfway through the timer.  So the requirement was to be in the plank position and hear each of the three sounds:  exercise, gong, and rest.  Basically, everyone hit the timer in the same 30 second interval after the first lap, but after that the pax was stretched out and mixed up.  Most all got in a total of 3.5 miles at the least including the warm-up and cooldown.

The three amigos where on the track and flying by us, but stopping with some frequency to catch breath.   But mostly, they passed me (or so it seemed).


Prayers for Australia fires, students returning to college, high school exams, recovery from injuries.  Valdez is thinking of creating a fundraising exercise challenge for us to support those fighting and suffering from fires in Australia.


After plenty of recent rain, the track had some wet spots and puddles.  Lane 4 was fairly safe all around but every other lane had some standing water.

Balco and Beverly ran in and out.

Balco and Valdez were the fastest of the regular workout.  It looked like Walter White was fastest of the trio, but it was hard to tell when he went by so fast.

Manscape is faithful to F3 and Redline and always pushing himself.

Resistor was trying to visit with me some, but I was too slow.

Peacemaker is 6 months older than me but about a half-a-lap faster.

Suede was back after an absence of a while, but picked up where he left out.  It was great to have him.  Kotters.

Thanks for your patience with me in trying a small twist on an old track ladder workout.

