Drip Drops and Blocks

QIC: Greenspan

Date: 1/13/20

PAX: Schneider, Sour Mash, Sgt. Schultz, Fender, 60 Minutes, Boomerang

Muggy wetness awaited the six pax who conquered the sack and joined YHC for a morning in the Village.

Let’s see; SSHs, Mtn. Climbers, Dive Bombers, Whirlies, Abe Vigodas, F/B ASTs, Michael Phelps

The Thang:
Fun Stuff. YHC had placed a cinder block, two dumbbells, and a kettlebell, all ~35 lbs, under the shelter. Pax were each instructed to take a pair of bricks.

Pull-ups x 6
Manmaker Burpees with bricks x 12
KB Swings with weights/blocks x 18
Cobra Crunch x 24
Run a lap around parking lot carrying bricks, ~.15 mile

Repeato until time is called. Pax completed 5-7 rounds over 30 minutes.

10 minutes of Mary:
American Hammers w/bricks
WW2s w/brick OH press
Balance stretch
Protractor, High Dolly, Low Dolly
Gas Pumps
Heels to Heaven
Wilt Chamberlains (time expired, ironically)


None mentioned. So, Shmedfest in late summer, Swiss Miss’s birthday in October, Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day convergences.

Prayer Requests:
• Wildfires in Australia.
• Situation Iran.
• H.O.G.’s son with ongoing headaches.
• Physical healing for Harden, Blue Steel, Spicoli, Root Canal (Pharaoh Jelly Leg), $5 Footlong, and Rust Bucket.

YHC took us out by reading from Psalm 103.

60 Minutes and YHC enjoyed a 2.4 EC run ahead of time. YHC enjoyed getting to know the area better in preparation for future BBBC route planning. 60 also helped YHC prepare for the workout by providing an orientation on the AO.

The MC was as reliable as the rain from the quartet of Sgt. Schultz, Boomerang, Schneider, and Sour Mash, each making some variation of a comment on the bricks, logs, and other accoutrements in the tailgate of YHC’s vehicle being indicative of criminal activity. We only used the bricks and weights today. The logs will have to wait until…another day.

Having heard of the shenanigans this crew normally get up to on Mondays, YHC was on the lookout for any threatening looking janitors who might intend to run us out of the shelter and into the storm. No aggressors appeared this morning.

Ten minutes in, Boomerang asked: “Is there a side two to that note card?” No.

Lightning lit up the sky a couple of times, and the rain came in spits and spurts.

Fender expressed appreciation for YHC’s contributing to his daily burpee quota. Running with bricks was not enough for the man; he decided he should be doing curls mid-stride as well.

Sgt. Schultz made sure to turn off the lights of the shelter, suggesting that his Y membership might be revoked otherwise.

Sassy, thanks for the keys. It was a pleasure Qing in the village, and YHC looks forward to the next go around. Keys were left at the Y desk. That’s where 60 Minutes told me to leave them.