Easy Peasy #BBBCeasy

QIC: Sour Mash

Date: 11/1/2019

PAX: Harden, Schneider, Katniss, Drama Queen, Fender, HOG, Huckleberry, Pert Plus, Greenspan, Sour Mash

YHC has been slack about getting Qs to sign up for one of the easiest Q opportunities in the F3 business.  Next to #LunchBunch, creating a few routes to run in #WeFoCo is like practicing law…any idiot can do it!

Still hungover from my Tuna 200 high, YHC realized on Tuesday there was no Q lined up for the week or any remaining dates this year, next year and so on.  What do I do, I’m no f**king lawyer?!??  Good thing I’m an idiot!

YHC recycled a route from earlier in the year provided by Katniss.  The route launched from Tanglewood and ran out to 158, crossed over into Davie County, into Bermuda Run and back.  Very easy to remember and with familiarity of the AO, PAX could modify as necessary to shorten or lengthen.

DQ, Fender, Katniss and YHC chose to run the suggested route.  HOG, Huckleberry, Greenspan and Pert Plus opted for a completely different route than ran past the #CFT AO.  Schneider and Harden had another Tour de Tanglewood, which is becoming a regular thing for those two!

We all were back within a few minutes of each other and all were there by 0615.  We exchanged pleasantries, counted off, circled up and HOG took us out.

Appreciate HOG, Huck, Pert and Greenspan making the drive out to Tanglewood.  That is a good haul for most of them I think.  Hope they become #BBBC regulars!