World Series Victory at Bells & Whistles

QIC: Data

Date: 10-30-19

PAX: Lace, Singing Cowboy, Light Brigade, PeeWee, Manscape, Bluto, Lemming

YHC was called in off the bench to pinch hit at B&W – inspired by a tight World Series (dadgum Braves should be there though); 8 hearty PAX completed 9 strong innings (and extra innings for Lace) of baseball.  Here is how it went:

Warm-O-Rama: Standard: SSH, Whirly w/ the Clap, Imperial Walkers, Little Arm Circle Things – Forward and Back

The Thang:

PAX completed each inning, doing 20 reps of each exercise, then ran the bases (our roughly .2 mile loop), each inning had a particular hit (Single, Double, Triple, HR, and one Grand Slam).  Depending on the hit, PAX completed 10 Merkins at the appropriate bases: Single = each base (incl home); Double = 2nd, 3rd, and Home; Triple = 3rd and Home, HR = Home; Grand Slam, just run the bases, no Merkins

Each inning had 20 Reps of the following exercises, followed by the labeled hit:

1st Inning: Curls, Goblet Squats, American Hammer, Bent Over Rows : Hit is a SINGLE

2nd Inning: Skull Crushers, Alternating Lunges, Chest Press, LBCs : Hit is a DOUBLE

3rd Inning: Curls, KettleBell Swings, Bent Over Rows (10 each arm), Mountain Climbers : Hit is a TRIPLE

4th Inning: Skull Crushers, Monkey Humpers, Squat Thrusters, American Hammer : Hit is a HOMERUN

5th Inning: Curls, Goblet Squats, Overhead Press, Big Boy Situps : Hit is a SINGLE

6th Inning: Skull Crushers, Alt. Lunges, Low Flutter (4 ct), LBCs : Hit is a DOUBLE

7th Inning: Curls, KB Swings, American Hammer, Squat Thrusters : Hit is a TRIPLE

8th Inning: Skull Crushers, Monkey Humpers, Chest Press, Bent Over Rows : Hit is a HOMERUN

9th Inning: Curls, Goblet Squats, Big Boys, Mountain Climbers : Hit is a GRAND SLAM


COT: Prayers for TPS who tweaked his back (leading to YHC’s Q); for a safe Halloween for the kids.  YHC took us out.  Much work was done, all got better!