#TheBenjamin #4

QIC: Patch

Date: 2019-2020

PAX: You



#TheBenjamin year 3 will complete today.  Round 4 starts tomorrow on September 15th.  Message me if you’ve completed year 3.

Status Update/The Deck:

Thus far 3 pax have completed #TheBenjamin.  Closer (2017), Bueller? (2018), and Spicoli (2018).  Each collected an ace from the Deck of Benjamin as dealt out by the Joker (YHC).  A lone ace is left, though there are several who started midyear and have their eyes on it.  Kings will follow.  Who wants next?  Tweet it out as you participate, using #TheBenjamin to tag it.

This year’s options:

1.  #TheBenjamin, The Original.  100 Merkins a day any way.  If you are new or have been living under a rock, here is the HISTORY.  Scroll to the bottom for the FAQ .  This is the only way to qualify to receive a card from the Deck of Benjamin.




2.  #TheBenjamin, International Tour.  Designed for those who are interested, but not stoked about doing the full 100 Merkins each day.  We’ll travel around the world month to month doing enough Merkins to get 100 of each local currency, but as usual we’ll earn 1 American dollar per Merkin.  So exchange rates will be crucial.  Our first trip will be to China where fortunately the Chinese Yuan has devalued significantly and now exchanges at 7.08 Yuan to the American dollar.  To obtain 100 Yuan, you’ll need 15 American dollars and thus need to do 15 Merkins.  October 15th we’ll move to another country, and so on.  Summary: number of Merkins changes each month and we’ll do 15 a day for the first month.


As ancient legend has it, “Thou Merkin be easy.  Thy establishment of habit?  That be the challenge.”

Need encouragement?  Ask an ace.

See you on the strong side!
