Outhouse Substi Q

QIC: 60Minutes

Date: 9-30-19

PAX: Greenspan, Spam, RustBucket, Palin

5 Pax for the humid substi Q by YHC. After warmorama we proceeded to the tennis courts for some Dora.
Dora:50 merkins, 100 jack reachers, 200 squats, 300 monkey humpers. YHC regrets the last minute decision to go for 300 MHs and the Pax also let this be heard.
Headed over to the shelter to complete the following 3 times:10 erkins, 10 derkins, 20 dips, 20 single leg step ups, run lap around the track
Proceeded to the wall for some: balls to the wall with Australian merkins, peoples chair with merkins, peoples chair with wonder bras.
Finished up with some Mary where Palin corrected YHC’s Q skills. “….next exercise is blank, starting position you are in it, in cadence, exercise”. Palin will have to confirm YHC has it right this time.

Prayers for:
Palin and wife expecting baby in February with the 20 wk scan this week
Ziggy Stardust
Off Sides


  • Spamalot
    September 30, 2019 2:26 pm

    Thanks for making the trip! Though we tried, the Pax was unable to get the lone runner to join us. He did run into the actual outhouse to avoid our EHing

  • Sour Mash
    October 4, 2019 12:04 pm


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