IronPax Contenders at Mayhem

QIC: Burns

Date: 8.28.19


Week 0 of the IronPax Challenge

Scroll to the bottom to see instructions for registering & posting scores. Or be a gent and read my whole backblast

PAX: Splash, Wobegon, Plunger, D-Day, Radar, Private Bookworm (WB), Greenspan, H.O.G., Turnover, Offsides, Full Upright Position, $5 Footlong, Seatback, Drama Queen, Sassy, Rust Bucket (WD), Root Canal, Post Hole, Huckleberry, Van Gogh, Ziggy Stardust, Drip, Mudfoot, Burns (QIC)

24 was the number this morning for the beatdown provided by our friends down in Greenwood, SC. 24 pax, 24 reps of some killer exercises. On a scale of 1-24, all pax scored a 24 in effort, intensity, encouragement, and general badassery. The only thing lacking was mumblechatter because we were all too busy destroying our legs to think.

Warm-o-Rama was short and sweet in the interest of having time to complete the challenge

SSH x25 IC, mosey to the shelter.

The Thang – A despicable routine known as the Laredo

24 squats

24 merkins

24 travelling lunges (count R leg only)

400 m run

6 times through gives us 144 squats, merkins, and lunges per leg, and 2400 m ran.


YHC brought a long skinny weinke this morning to supplement the beatdown, tabata style. Once pax finished, start the timer for 22s on, 8s off of the following exercises:


High Plank

American Hammers

Elbow Plank

Freddy Mercs

Side Plank R

Gas Pumps

Side Plank L

The fastest of the bunch got through the weinke twice, while most got the full second cycle.

Mosey back to the launch for some broga to limber up and stretch out the legs

Right & left hamstring stretches, down dog à R & L calves, extended hold in regular down dog, float into up dog (what’s up dog? Not much, what’s up with you), left runners lunge with a twist, right runners lunge with a twist, butterfly.

Root Canal took us to time with a Thistle.


I was lucky to be on Twitter approximately 9 minutes after the WK0 beatdown dropped, and I messaged our Spamtan to claim it for this Q.  This was mostly so that I didn’t have to plan anything special for what’s rumored to be THE premiere Wednesday Morning Dash Pax Beatdown (trademark pending). It sucked as advertised

As pax were rolling in, some were unaware of their impending doom. “I should have checked twitter,” some were heard to say. Plunger in particular had been kept ignorant of the IronPax details, but took it all in stride and made it look easy.

A little MC was heard after the brief warm-o-rama, but I didn’t catch any specifics

No MC during the Laredo portion. We were too busy lamenting the near future for our legs’ sake.

Mary proved to be a breeding ground for rediscovered grumbling and shot-taking by disgruntled pax. A few opted to do more travelling lunges to pick up the six instead.

Broga (STRETCHING????) was not taken well at first, but all pax eventually seemed relieved that no more “real” exercises were on the horizon

Turnover & Offsides left us in the dust this morning. Offsides will tell you he was only chasing Turnover, but it’s not true. Both were expertly proving their superiority to us mere mortals with sub-20 times, Turnover rumored to be sub-19.

Fantastic efforts by Van Gogh, Huckleberry, H.O.G., Splash, Greenspan, $5, and others to keep pace with the aforementioned duo, but alas, none were able to catch them in the end.

I was feeling fortunate to keep pace with Posthole all morning…the dude becoming a warrior. YHC’s goal was to come in under the posted average time on the IronPax twitter, and surprised myself by besting it by a full 4 minutes (24:18) thanks to Posthole’s strong work. Very pumped up, as all pax should be with their work this morning.


Turnover has WIB tomorrow at the Teeter on Robinhood/Peace Haven, Spamtan at TRQ (mystery announcement!!), and Van Gogh will lead the WeFoCos at The Distillery. All good choices

Shmedfest was a resounding success

H.O.G. with a heartfelt thankyou to pax who have been praying for his son, and general encouragement.

Prayers were offered for Cheesesteak & Peacemaker’s Ms and their recoveries from different maladies, for Beth, a teacher at Immaculate Heart of Mary who has recently been in a car accident, for students and teachers going back to school.

H.O.G. prayed us out.

To register for IronPax Challenge if you haven’t already – this link will help you

To submit your time for today – this link is for you. IronPax moderators request you submit it in 00:00:00 format (hrs, mins, seconds)

(the joke’s on you…it’s the same link)

Burns out


  • D-Day
    August 28, 2019 10:37 am

    Those stairs sucked. The rest did as well.

  • Spamalot
    August 28, 2019 10:38 am

    Now THAT is a backblast. Well done boys!!

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