“This is the last one.”

QIC: Greenspan

Date: July 21, 2019

PAX: Ziggy Stardust, Sgt. Schultz, Maddie (Schultz's Dog.0)

A stroll up and down the hills of Ardmore was the order of the morning for three pax and Sgt. Schultz’s Dog.0.

MMR:  https://www.mapmyrun.com/routes/view/2604280867


  • Schmedfest: August 24th
  • Schultz has Q at TRQ on Thursday.
  • YHC has Q at WIB on Thursday. Launch will be from Food Lion on Hawthorne Road in Ardmore.

Prayer Requests:

  • Schultz has a trial in GSO this week.
  • ZS is traveling to South Florida.
  • Conversations among colleagues, family members, neighbors to be respectful and open.
  • Wobegon’s M recovering from surgery.
  • Peacemaker’s M as she goes through treatment for cancer.
  • Boomerang’s sister started a new drug for cancer treatment.
  • Families with kids with special needs.


A fun morning stroll with weight on our backs was filled with thought-provoking conversations as we tried to keep up with Maddie.  The humidity, though present, relented from the past week’s levels.  YHC promised that the hill on Walker Street would be the last big one….only for at least four more big ones to greet us along the route.  ~265 of total elevation gain.  #Kobains.

Subjects discussed:  Maddie’s need to be out front; ZS’s travels to Oregon and the Czech Republic; pollution in Budapest; Checkpoint Charlie at the old dividing line between East & West Germany (and ZS’s office and the rest of WFU’s campus); bars and theaters in The Hague; tension in the academic field with any non-orthodox thought and speech; YHC’s adventures in China; ZS’s hikes in Oregon; the refuge of Ardmore Coffee House; flexibility of controls of an Apple Watch; Nicki Haley’s future job possibilities; Puerto Rico infrastructure; bus stops in old Eastern Europe; Sgt. Schultz’s naiveté.