Crushing it at the Estate

QIC: Drip

Date: July 22

PAX: Touch Me Not (WB), Palin, Cheesesteak, Huckleberry, Blue Steel, Raddar, Razzie, Focker, Litter Box, Manscape (WD), Chisel, T.H., Snookie, Drip

Warm up/Stretch

Mosey to Village Tavern parking lot.

  • Rockettes 10 count cadence
  • Squats/Lunges 10 count cadence…9 times

Mosey to Fountain

  • Dips, Ranger Erkins, and Derkins in cadence (20, 15, 10 respectively)

Mosey to Silo

  • 100 WW2 sit-ups. 10 at a time.  After each 10, flip a coin. Heads: 5 Burpees OYO. Tails: 10 Heels  to Heaven OYO

Mosey to Lower Parking Lot

  • 6 mins of various Merkins to Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups (High Planks, Low Planks, Nolan Ryans, Carolina, Crucible, Wide, Regular, Hand Release, Ranger, Diamond.)

Mosey to Start:

  • Asheville Abs then Mary by Committee

Announcements: Shmedfest is coming, August 24 with Convergence that morning.  Please sign up online. Jar-Jar’s wife was being induced in the early hours of this morning.  Keep him and his family in your prayers.

COT: Prayers of thanksgiving for our ability to workout, prayers of healing for those that want to post but are not able to, and prayers of blessings for Jar-Jar’s new addition.

MMN: A very strong and fit group met this morning at the Estate.  Not a lot of MC, except for the occasional, obligatory Palin mumblings. Litter Box kept the math straight for all of us during the WWIIs.  The Law of Probability took the morning off during the coin flips as we seemed to do more Buprees that Heels to Heaven…or maybe Radar should not ever waste his money on Lottery tickets.  On the other hand, the Law of Give 150% at a F3 Workout was definitely in effect as all that gathered this morning put in the effort as evidenced by all the sweat drenched shirts.  Thanks for the keys Huck, I left them with the butler at the main house.