Tabata at TRQ 6.13.19

QIC: Burns

Date: 6.13.19

TRQ 6.13.19

PAX: Burns(Q), 5 Dollar Footlong, Whirly, former FNG 7 Layer, Wobegon, Goofy, Zombie, LaZBoy, former FNG Red Baron, Argyle, Palin

I got a call from Whirly last night letting me know he was bringing a FNG to TRQ this morning, to which I responded that me and the FNG will have a lot in common as I, too, had never posted at Speas on a Thursday morning. With my lack of experience and the added pressure of a FNG (turns out there were two!), I found myself perusing many old backblasts to cobble together something simple that was low-running, high reps, and full body focused. The plan was flawlessly executed by the pax in attendance.

After a short disclaimer we started the warm-o-rama with some SSHs, Hillbillies, Whirly’s incurable disease, Abe Vigodas, and ISTs before a mosey to the rock pile

The Thang
Each pax was instructed to select two rocks for our workout, scribed below:
Tabata – 25 seconds on, 10 seconds rest
5 sets of 2 exercises, and after the 5th set we took an alternative mode of transportation to the rear of the school and back.
Exercise pair 1: Curls — squats — bear crawl
Exercise pair 2: Chest press — lunges — duck walk
Exercise pair 3: Side raises — dead lifts — crab walk
Exercise pair 4: Skull crushers — quick feet — high skip to school, skip for distance back
Exercise pair 5: Rock (kb) swings — side lunges — inchworm up, jog back

We did not have time for the 5th pair of exercises, so we moseyed back to the launch point for 5 minutes of Mary consisting of LBCs, Boxcutters, Penguin crunches, Crunchy frogs, and Mutton crunches


  • Thanks to Whirly and LaZBoy for bringing a FNG a piece this morning. Both were great additions to the group and brought some good energy/effort to the beatdown.
  • Former FNG 7 Layer got his name simply for over-dressing this morning, having to peel off multiple items of clothing as we were getting started. He works with Whirly as a lawyer (not an attourney – a lot of emphasis was put on this discrepancy) downtown.
  • Former FNG Red Baron is a friend of LaZBoy’s from church and mentioned he was into aviation, so he got a pretty kickass nickname.
  • Palin had a lot of questions this morning about rock selection, which I noted was probably an indication of a lack of initiative on his part.
  • It was debated whether or not my 10th grade students listened as well as the present pax
  • I had never (to my recollection) worked out with 5 Dollar Footlong, LaZBoy, or Argyle before today’s action, and it was a pleasure doing so. Possibly a sign that I need to break my routine up some and visit other AOs, which I think could be an encouragement for all of us reading this silly little post as well. Try something new next week!

I’ll be recycling one of my beatdowns from last year tomorrow at UA. It’s up to yall to figure out which one. Hint: There will be no burpees. See you there
Prayers were lifted for Zombie’s sister who is getting married on Saturday, and for 5 Dollar who is leading a men’s small group at his church starting soon.

Wobegon, thank you for the keys and I hope to have them back some time. Great AO!

1 Comment

  • Kevin Altman
    June 13, 2019 5:16 pm

    Damn fine beatdown, damn fine backblast.

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