Omaha Denied

QIC: Huckleberry

Date: 5/9/2019

PAX: Burns, Zima, Mutton, Beast light, Lamb Chop, Sgt, Schultz, Turnover, Honeybadger, Offsides, Virginia Slim, YHC QIC

YHC loves to Q WIB and typically tries to find a location that is close to my house.  But with VG on the Q at TRQ and the WeFoCo group meeting up on the west side, I wanted to provide a more central location for the dash PAX to meet.  And everyone has been to Target… it has a big parking lot.  So it was decided that we would run laps around the parking and make a few stops on the way.  We would keep it simple….no math, no change in reps.  Just run the lap and do the exercises.  Plain and simple.  Everyone loved it…………maybe…..

Warm-o-rama – SSH, Abe V, Hillbilly, Arm swirly things.

Thang – 3 sides of the parking lot had a cone placed in the middle of it.  Cone 1 – 10 V ups, 15 American hammers, 15 low flutter.  Cone 2 – (completely stolen from Mongoose after Mayhem yesterday) Bear crawl DB drills from cone to corner.  Cone 3 – 5 merkins, 10 mountain climbers, 5 merkins, 10 Peter parkers, 5 merkins, 10 in and outs.  Thats it, plain and simple.


Oh wait, there was a fourth side………

Everyone probably knows that there are random “Stop” signs that run in front of Target down to Bed Bath and Beyond.  you have probably run these before.  Being the good citizen that I am, I wanted to make sure the Dash Pax were aware of how many stop signs there actually were and make sure that they would never forget them.

at every stop sign, stop and do 5 burpees.  Because everyone can always do 5 burgess right Zima and Offsides?

Start and complete as many laps as possible.

614 – pick up cones and meet at the start.

Announcements – Sgt Schultz has Q on Saturday at Purgatory

Prayers – Burns has a friend that is battling cervical cancer, Prayers for singing cowboy, Turnover has a friend that is going through a difficult separation.  YHC took us out thanking HIM for our bodies and minds, asking HIM to help us find those who need this amazing group, and asking everyone to stop being reactive and using think or seek help before attacking others.


What an amazing group of HIMs this morning.  BY the way…..there are 5 stop signs between Target and BB&B!   everyone finished at least 4 laps – thats at least 2 miles and 100 burpees.  The bear crawls were terrible.  the parking lot is big.


Sgt Schultz is concerned about Zima’s lack of sleeves – he believes a small man in Puerto Rico is wearing them as pants.

Beast Light missed his age during COT…… 3 years.  It was great to see him out there today

The pax were not happy about the amount of stop signs and tried to argue that the word STOP painted by the DOT on the ground did not count.  request denied.

There was at least one request to stop the burpees on every lap.  Omaha denied.

Turnover has become a machine.  I would recommend that he turn on the light in the closet in the morning when getting ready though.  those might have been your wife capri’s.

Several pax I had not worked out with before. everyone pushed hard today and YHC was very impressed.

someone asked that YHC not Q QIB anymore…..I hope Burns will ignore this request.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead this group.  Burns, the key to WIB are underneath your tire, along with Virginia Slims keys (not sure why he put his keys under the wrong car).
