Where is Arbor???

QIC: The Vig aka: Baron Von WestEnd

Date: 05/31/2019

PAX: Lemming, Wiki, Patch, Masnscape (WD), PeaceMaker, Greenspan, Little Piggy (WB), Juice Box, BAM!, Razzie, Spam-a-Lot, Bueller?, The Singing Cowboy, Burlap, Boo Boo, Valdez, Drano, Beverly, Shakes, Zuckerberg, Cobra, Lysol, Sac, Glazer, Walter White, The Vig (QIC)

26 joined YHC today for a little run through Buena Vista. Not much climb but not a route for the directionaly challenged. Spam had submitted his request to have the trees trimmed around the street signs


We ran the following routes:

Tractors: http://bit.ly/Tractors05312019

Rt Sunset

Rt Glade

Rt Hawthorne

Lt Runnymede

Continue on Warrick

Rt Arbor

Rt Virginia

Continue on Hawthorne

Lt Northwest

Rt Reynolda

Rt West End

To the House


OGs : http://bit.ly/2OG05312019

Rt Sunset

Rt Glade

Rt Hawthorne

Lt Runnymede

Continue on Warrick

Lt Arbor

Rt Country Club

Lt Greenwich

Rt Knollwood

Lt Biting

Continue on Biting

Rt on Reynolds at Traffic Circle

Lt Roslyn

Rt Greenbrier

Rt Carolina

Lt Virginia

Continue on Hawthorne

Lt Northwest

Rt Reynolda

Rt West End

To the House



Burlap is the Q for #lunchbunch, Camel City BBQ Downstairs 11:45

Prayers for Plungers dad having heart surgery today

Prayers for Peacemaker’s M recovery from surgery and good results from her biopsy


Viggy Out