Estate 5.13 Double DORA

QIC: Burns

Date: 5/13/2019

PAX: Huckleberry, Touch-Me-Not, Offsides, Cheesesteak, Wobegon, Balco, Snooki, Chisel, Jar Jar, Razzy, Zima, Burns (QIC)

A last minute call for a substiQ led to me trying to devise a way to pay Huckleberry back for what he did at the WIB helm on Thursday

SSH x20
Whirlys x14 (Q fail)
Merkins x15 (Q adrenaline)
Hillbillys x15

Mosey to lower lot for mini-DORA
50 burpees
100 lunges dc
150 plank-jacks

Mosey to bottom of hill near May Way for regular-sized DORA
100 merkins
200 jump squats
300 American Hammers

Mosey to patio/fountain area for arm ladder
15 irkins
14 dips
13 irkins
12 dips

1 irkin

Run up stairs and around building, then collect the 6 and head back to launch for mary by committee
Mutton Crunch
Freddy Mercs
Weird Penguin Crunches with leg extensions
Viaduct/Jane Fonda
Box Cutters

Not much MC or complaints from this crew, despite Zima’s presence. A high number of late-night basketball and Game of Thrones viewers could have contributed to the silence. Cheesesteak and Chisel – thanks for the partner work. Strong push by all pax this morning, I feel confident that all were sufficiently worked out.

Convergence on Saturday at Samaritan Ministries, pre-blast on the website
Prayers for my friend as she learns more about her cervical cancer diagnosis this week.

Thanks for the keys, Huckleberry. It was a pleasure to be back at this AO, one of the best in the city.