When Fools and Idiots Collide

6 brave pax gathered on a chilly April Fool’s morning for a little workout in The Village.  The pax were slow getting out of their cars and Sgt Schultz and Sour Mash had even parked so they could converse while still in said vehicles.  No new faces but some that seemed to say “oh no, not  you again.”  That was about as much of an April Fool’s joke as we had. YHC has been on a little bit of a Q streak in #WeFoCo lately and this should be the last for a while.

With this in mind YHC did a few different things.  The first was to conductWarmorama on a dry field. We circled up and got in a couple of the standards but then mixed in some jab/crosses R/L and Mary Katherines.  Schneider even demonstrated the underarm sniff.  We topped it off with Drydock Crabs and at Sgt Schultz’ request, YHC even gave a mini demonstration why you don’t take your leg over instead of under and what to do after you sit out as a grappler.

We then moseyed over to the pullup bars on the track and partnered up for The Super Collider.  When meeting, partners performed 10 Booyah merkins, 20 WWII sit ups with partner plank, and 30 squats.  When get back to the starting point 5 pullups – modify if necessary.  We got in 2 full laps of this and Sour Mash left us.

We then moseyed over to the dark hill and did a short ladder of donkey kicks and plank jacks.  Then back to the shelter for some step ups, irkins, bench presses and crunches with feet on bench.

That gave us exactly 6 minutes for Mary that we filled with American Hammers, Low Flutters, Mutton Crunches, Freddie Mercs and Snow Angels.  The End


Strong work by all on a starlit morning though we’re all about ready for the warmer temps of the weekend to stay.

It was nice to be out on the dry field and track.

The new lights at the Y make the east end of the field very bright.

Sour Mash was quite proud of his weekend accomplishment in placing 2nd in his age group in Martinsville 5K.  He was likely no better than 2nd today though.

MC was relatively light until COT – during announcements we somehow (what do I mean somehow – it was F3 and our warped brains move quickly sometimes) got from Duke basketball to Premier League Football to David Beckham to Scary Spice and Another Spice to be named by Schneider doing something they were not supposed to be doing.  At that point YHC stepped in a brought us back to ground and proceeded to ask for prayer requests one of which was for Schneider for knowing names of all The Spice Girls.

On a more serious note, safety in Uber/Lift was discussed after murder of USC coed.  YHC took us out thanking for the group and asking for us to be a change in the world that seems to be ever increasing in senseless evil.

Always an honor