We are better together – Part One

QIC: Thistle

Date: 4/10/2019

PAX: Deductible, Undertow, $5 Foot Long, Palin, The Vig, Snookie, Glazer, Dr. Toot Canal, Cherry Pie, Posthole, Lambchop, Easy Open, Traeger, Thistle.

Since I am posting so long after the event, my memory is fuzzy.  However, we followed a POAS (F3 – “Pearls on a String) format to Cook Elementary.  We did some normal warm up stuff at intermittent points along the way.  I also added some partner exercises including leg throw downs off a loading dock and some partner WWII sit ups off that same loading dock — Partner work and trust were key.  I think I added some burpees too, well, just because they suck.  However, the main point of my plan was to remind us that we can do more, push more and accomplish more in an “encouraging community” than alone.  One new exercise that did not work out as well as planned, was the partner American Hammer.  Tough to balance and hold your feet off the ground.

Our stop at Cook had us working in groups of three.  Two guys doing a new crowd favorite – partner burpees with a double merkin hand slap while the third guy runs down and up a decent hill – Do as many partner burpees as you can – “AMRAP”.  We also did the same with pull ups.

Time was nigh, so we ran back to Hanes Park with some quick pick up the 6 exercises to keep us together.

Great group of men – I am encouraged by these guys and honored to lead.  Stay in community brothers.  We are stronger together.  Sorry for the late post though.

Announcements — We had some, but they are all obsolete due to the late posting of this BB.

Prayer Requests — Palin and his family, his grandfather passed away.  Susan Gupton – meningitis.