Substi-Qs at The Outhouse

QIC: Root Canal and Thistle

Date: 4/15/2019

PAX: Drip, TPS, Van Gogh (WB), Zima, Root Canal, and Thistle

Got a call from #Hazer and he needed a sub – he was still celebrating UVA’s National Championship.  Since so many Pax are requesting me to Q, well, aw shucks, I’ll do it.  Decided to bring in the Big Gun to help me — Dr. Toot Canal was willing.  We planned for hours and came up with a beatdown that focused on fundamentals.

Dr. TC handled the Warmarama despite a heavy dose of pre-5:30 MC.  But the Dr. was ready to get warm since he had underdressed and only had on a t-shirt.  And shorts.  We did the normal stuff to at least 11 and moseyed the long way to the track at the back of the school.  I had just read an entertaining book, “Living with a Seal”.  It has some good ideas for workouts, so I stole one – it just has merkins and WWIIs.  So I proudly set up a 20-minute Tabata sequence on my phone and the Dr. provided some Latin music to entertain us.

Our Tabata was unorthodox – we did not have any rest periods.  I set the timer for one-minute increments – we would do 10 merkins and then WWIIs until one minute was up  – then we went right back into merkins – we repeated 20Xs.  Zima loved it and gave me a hug – although he did sweetly remind me to do WWIIs with proper form.  Thanks, buddy.  VG said some sweet things too – maybe since he shaved his beard, he’s getting in touch with his feminine side.  TPS asked a lot of clarifying questions – it was quite disturbing that he needed to do so.  And Drip just smiled at first, then became disconsolate and then angry.  I’m nervous about an anesthesia guy with anger management issues.

We did some number of squats in a confusing Grinder, but all was saved by Dr. TC’s stories of his Dad’s amazing immigration story from Cuba and his brother’s XC state championship.

We moseyed the long way back and did some popcorn Mary – everyone got a turn and it was splendid fun.  Drip has a new one that is easy if your name is Mr. Gumby Abs-of-Steel.

Announcements were limited to Dr. Toot’s upcoming birthday this weekend and safe travels for Spring Breakers.

Prayer Requests – Susan Gupton with meningitis is still in the hospital, Palin and the loss of his grandfather, Holy Week and for awareness of those in pain in our world.

An honor to lead with DTC – Huckleberry, the keys fell out of DTC’s pocket while he did WWIIs – no one was man enough to pick them up.  Follow the scent.  You’ll find them.