A Stroll through the Barony

QIC: The Vig aka: Baron Von WestEnd

Date: 04/19/2019

PAX: Valdez (WB), Lemming, Interference, Walter White, Peacemaker (WD), Van Pelt, Juice Box, Dolittle (FNG Nick Youngblood), Bueller?, Drano, Beverly, Wiki, The Vig(QIC)

YHC took the Q for this mornings OGs/Tractors route. YHC had hoped to pull a total retread from my Q last fall knowing that the numbers would be “off” due Easter Weekend and Spring Break. Route from previous Q, check. Backblast from previous Q, not to be found. The site Q seems to be slacking.


13 joined the Baron this muggy Good Friday morning as we strolled……again…through the Barony.  Drano even came in from WeFoCo and brought an FNG. He was given the hospital name of Nick Youngblood, works with Drano in his dodgy real estate game and  has a mini farm at home with chickens, goats, and various other animals. The name Dr. Dolittle was thrown into the ring and the Pax immediately agreed that Dolittle was the name.


Beverly returned from injury and ran tractors this morning. I know he is ready to get back to putting up the miles.

Peacemaker was spotted back out in gloom and happy to be mixing it up among the Pax.

Valdez, VP, Lemming, and JB were there repping the 5:15 crew, while IF, Bueller? and YHC tried no not get sucked into the WW vortex.

Wiki was there too, but YHC is not sure which route he took.

For those interested the routes can be found here:




YHC took us out.


Lunch Bunch today 11:45 at  Cugino Forno Pizzeria Winston Salem, right next to Incendiary. YHC will see you there.


Viggy Out