WIB — Warriors Infatuated w/ Bricks

QIC: Thistle

Date: 2/28/2019

PAX: Palin, Litterbox, Mutton, Whirly, The Vig, Van Pelt, Glazer, Burns, Zima and Thistle

OK – the BB is really late.  Sorry.  Blame the Site Q for not reminding me.  The starting point was the Wiley MS bus parking lot.  But here it is for your reading pleasure:

I had been thinking about a fun way to spend a morning with my friends.  I kept waking up during the night and tweaking my plan.  Note to self – that is a bad idea – your clearest thinking does not happen at 3 am.  Also, be quiet loading bricks in a wheelbarrow to take to your car at 4:30 am – it’s a neighbor issue.  Trust me.  So here’s what I came up with – noted that this beatdown is not WIB approved by #Zima.  But neither are his sleeveless shirts.  So there.

Warm-a-Rama:  Did some SSH, IST, Arm Swirly things, Toy Soldiers and Whirly…

Bad Idea #1 – Gave each of the PAX two presents – a brick from my trunk for each hand.  Surprisingly, I have not received one thank-you note.

So moseyed to pull up bars for 10 a piece – bricks stayed on the ground.  Moseyed to benches by the RJR cafeteria for 5 rounds of  10 or 20 steps up for each leg (I forgot – AARP fail) and 10 dips.  It was starting to get fun and I could feel the camaraderie building.  Glazer and The Vig were especially supportive.

Moseyed to the bottom of Education Hill – it’s a kinda long hill in front of the RJR auditorium.  It was a crowd-pleaser.  So we did three trips up the hill and did some exercises at the top:

  1. Bear crawl up the hill with your bricks.  Did I mention it was a little wet and the grass was growing well?  Do 100 merkins at the top – hands on your bricks.  Mosey down – don’t forget your bricks.
  2. Crab walk up the hill with your bricks.  I think I heard someone complain, but I was enjoying myself so much I blocked it out.  Do 50 WWIIs with your bricks in hands and come on down.
  3. Lunge up the hill with your lovely bricks.  Was I mistaken or did Palin get cross with me?  Do 25 burpees at the top with your bricks in your clutches.  We got together for a quick round of Kumbayah and moseyed back to the benches.

Only time for 4 sets of step ups and dips – this is when Whirly’s hands came off the bench twice injuring his back.  I made a quick preemptive call to Micheal Avenatti. Moseyed to pull up bars.

Got in at least 10 pull-ups and something else, but I had blacked out.  I woke up in time to get us back to the parking lot, drop off our bricks and receive unwarranted abuse that thrilled my soul.

A couple of observations:

  1. Palin actually tries to use correct form all the time
  2. Litterbox is a punk and I would wipe that smile off his face if I could catch him
  3. Mutton crushed it even though his shoe had a blowout
  4. Whirly works hard for an Army guy
  5. The Vig and Glazer did an EC run before WIB.  The Vig was fast completing all the exercises, but he has NCSU math skills.  I gave Glazer a ride home – funny he did not want to run back up a long hill.  Q success.
  6. Van Pelt was out front all the time – maybe I’ll start wearing a bowtie
  7. Burns is young and in pretty good shape for a baseball guy
  8. Zima – what else is there to say to describe Mr. Sunshine?

Announcement – VP will be promoting an upcoming race – Get Outside Mountain Relay sometime, somehow

Prayer Requests:

  1. Those struggling with addiction
  2. Boo Boo’s brother-in-law
  3. Greenspan’s dad finishing his first round of chemo

All joking aside – It is an honor to Q and a privilege to be part of F3.  Get up every day and work hard men to be your best.  The only easy day was yesterday.

Reminder – keys are safely stowed in a pile of bricks somewhere.